The Activity Calendar - Classes & Events

Jackrabbit's Activity Calendar is designed to streamline your scheduling process, providing a centralized solution for managing activities with greater efficiency and clarity across your organization.

  • Manage your classes and events in one place, helping you organize your operations and prevent scheduling conflicts.
  • Avoid double-booking with a clear view of activities and real-time staff availability, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Customize your calendar with filters and flexible views, including side-by-side or stacked, and options to display by week, day, room, instructor, or in an agenda format.

Permissions determine what data your Users can access and what actions they can perform. Before proceeding, review User Permissions for the Activity Calendar.

To access the Activity Calendar, use the Calendar link at the top right of all pages in Jackrabbit.

Activity Calendar Settings

The ability to edit the Activity Calendar settings is controlled by the Activity Calendar Settings User Permission (Tools category). This permission is automatically granted to Users with the roles of Owner and/or Manager/Director and can be granted to other Users by your system administrator.

All settings are organization-wide and apply to all Users.

Access the Activity Calendar settings from the calendar header.

  • Expanded header - select the Gear icon.
  • Collapsed header - select the More Options iconand choose the Calendar Settings option.

The settings are organized into two sections: Calendar Preferences and Display Options.

Calendar Preferences

Use the calendar preference settings to customize the time range (start time and end time), displayed days of the week and the starting day for Week View, and the default time increment for the calendar (15, 30, or 60 minutes).

Display Options

Select your Default Calendar View (see Calendar View Options below) and use the Default Card Density settings to control the amount of information included in class activity cards and how they are laid out on the calendar.

You can adjust the calendar view and density directly from the Activity Calendar using the options in the calendar header, but they will revert to the selections made in your calendar settings.

  • Switch Calendar View
    • Expanded header - use the drop-downto select the calendar view. 
    • Collapsed header - select the Switch Calendar View icon. The icon changes to reflect the current view and may be one of  (Week),  (Day),  (Agenda),  (Room), or  (Instructor).

  • Switch Card Density
    • Each card density option in the calendar header is represented by a different icon. Use the icons to switch between card densities.

Get to Know Your Activity Calendar

The Activity Calendar is divided into three sections: the calendar header, the left sidebar, and the calendar body.

Hide the left sidebar and collapse the header to maximize your main workspace - the calendar body.

zoomable image

Click on the image to view it in full size in a new window.

Calendar Header

When first loaded, the Activity Calendar displays with the calendar header expanded.

Use the image and legend below to get to know your way around the header. Click on the image to view it in full size in a new window.

zoomable image

  1. The Hide/Show Sidebar icon controls the left sidebar, which includes the mini calendar and filter options. When the sidebar is collapsed, a badge displays the number of currently selected filters.
  2. Refresh the calendar body.
  3. The Expand/Collapse Header icon controls the calendar header.
  4. Access the Classic Calendar.
  5. Quick navigation options (not available when the header is collapsed).
  6. Select a date for the calendar display.
  7. Access the Calendar Settings.
  8. Print the Activity Calendar.
  9. Coming Soon - Add an activity to the calendar!
  10. The currently selected filters are displayed when the header is expanded.
  11. Use the Switch Card Density icon to change how your activity cards display in the calendar body. Choose from side-by-side or stacked, and comfortable or compact options allow you to control the amount of information shown in the activity cards.
  12. Select your calendar view from these options: Week, Day, Agenda, Room, or Instructor.
Left Sidebar - Mini Calendar and Filters

When first loaded, the Activity Calendar displays with the left sidebar open to show the mini calendar and filter options. It can be hidden entirely using the Hide/Show Sidebar icon in the calendar header.

Use the mini calendar to navigate to another date and adjust the calendar display.

The Activity Calendar offers many filters to tailor your view. Filters are divided into three categories: Classes, Events, and Appts (Coming Soon!).

  • Use the arrow next to each filter to open and select from the list of available filter choices.
  • The filter options section shows the number of activities that match the selected filters and are currently visible in the calendar body.
  • Each filter category will display a badge with the number of filters that have been applied.
  • Filters that are in use will display a badge with the number of filter choices selected. The filters will also be displayed in the expanded calendar header, with an option to clear them individually.
Calendar Body

The calendar body is your main workspace. To maximize this space, hide the left sidebar and collapse the calendar header.

zoomable image

Click on the image to view it in full size in a new window.

  • The activity cards are color coded using the Category 1 color assignments you select in your General Settings.
  • Activities without a specified start time, end time, or both are treated as all-day activities and will appear at the top of the calendar body.
  • The calendar active days, start day, and time increments are controlled by your Activity Calendar Settings.
  • Hover over an activity card for a snapshot that displays a summary of the information for the activity, including openings, current size, max size, number of waitlisted students, future enrolls and drops, and more.

  • Click on an activity card to view more detailed information with links to Student, Instructor, and Class/Event records.

  • Double-click on an activity to open the Class/Event record in a new browser tab.

Calendar View Options (Week, Day, Agenda, and Room)

The Activity Calendar offers several different views: Week, Day, Agenda, Room, and Instructor.


Use the Week View of the Activity Calendar to display a full week of activities.

To view the calendar in Week View, select Week from the drop-down menu in the expanded calendar header or use the Switch Calendar View icon in the collapsed calendar header to select Week . Note: The Switch Calendar View icon changes to reflect the current view and may be one of  (Day),  (Agenda), (Room), or (Instructor).

To set Week View as the default for your Activity Calendar, click the Gear icon in the expanded calendar header or select the More Options iconand choose the Calendar Settings option in the collapsed header. In the Display Options, set your Default Calendar View to Week.

zoomable image

Click on the image to view it in full size in a new window.


Use the Day View of the Activity Calendar to focus on the activities for a specific date. It will default to the current date.

To view the calendar in Day View, select Day from the drop-down menu in the expanded calendar header or use the Switch Calendar View icon in the collapsed calendar header to select Day. Note: The Switch Calendar View icon changes to reflect the current view and may be one of  (Week),  (Agenda), (Room), or (Instructor).

To set Day View as the default for your Activity Calendar, click the Gear icon in the expanded calendar header or select the More Options iconand choose the Calendar Settings option in the collapsed header. In the Display Options, set your Default Calendar View to Day.

zoomable image

Click on the image to view it in full size in a new window.

  • A horizontal red line across the calendar indicates the current time.
  • Day View cannot currently be printed.

For a streamlined, organized overview, use the Agenda View of the Activity Calendar to list all classes and events for a specific day chronologically. It will default to the current date.

To view the calendar in Agenda View, select Agenda from the drop-down menu in the expanded calendar header, or use the Switch Calendar View icon in the collapsed calendar header to select Agenda. Note: The Switch Calendar View icon changes to reflect the current view and may be one of  (Week), (Day),  (Room), or  (Instructor).

To set Agenda View as the default for your Activity Calendar, click the Gear icon in the expanded calendar header or select the More Options iconand choose the Calendar Settings option in the collapsed header. In the Display Options, set your Default Calendar View to Agenda.

zoomable image

Click on the image to view it in full size in a new window.

  • Agenda View displays the current activity size and its max size for each activity.
  • Hover over any activity for a snapshot of its details.
  • Agenda View cannot currently be printed.

Use the Room View of the Activity Calendar to see a single day's activity schedule by room (it defaults to the current date).

To view the calendar in Room View, select Room from the drop-down menu in the expanded calendar header or use the Switch Calendar View icon in the collapsed calendar header to select Room. Note: The Switch Calendar View icon changes to reflect the current view and may be one of  (Week),  (Day),  (Agenda), or  (Instructor).

To set Room View as the default for your Activity Calendar, click the Gear icon in the expanded calendar header or select the More Options iconand choose the Calendar Settings option in the collapsed header. In the Display Options, set your Default Calendar View to Room.

zoomable image

Click on the image to view it in full size in a new window.

  • Room View defaults to include rooms without any activity. Toggle off the Include Rooms with No Activity filter to hide those rooms.
  • Rooms without activity will display an orange alert badge .
  • A horizontal red line across the calendar indicates the current time.
  • Any activity that has not been assigned a room will be displayed in a No Room Assigned column. Click the activity card to quickly navigate to the activity record, where you can assign a room.
  • Room View cannot currently be printed.

Instructor View displays each instructor's classes and events, availability, and time off. It clearly indicates when substitute instructors are assigned. This view helps staff easily identify when instructors are available, assigned to an activity, or substituting for another instructor, allowing for more efficient planning and scheduling.

To view the calendar in Instructor View, select Instructor from the drop-down menu in the expanded calendar header or use the Switch Calendar View icon in the collapsed calendar header to select Instructor. Note: The Switch Calendar View icon changes to reflect the current view and may be one of  (Week),  (Day),  (Agenda), or  (Room).

To set Instructor View as the default for your Activity Calendar, click the Gear icon in the expanded calendar header or select the More Options iconand choose the Calendar Settings option in the collapsed header. In the Display Options, set your Default Calendar View to Instructor.

zoomable image

Click on the image to view it in full size in a new window.

  • The Instructor View displays in side-by-side density only.
  • Instructors are displayed in alphabetical order by last name.
  • By default, the calendar excludes instructors without scheduled activities. To include them, slide the Include Instructors with No Activity toggle on.
  • An orange alert badge  indicates instructors without any activities.
  • Use the Class Instructor filter in the left sidebar to select a specific instructor or group of instructors to display.
  • The calendar displays staff availability in white, while scheduled time off is highlighted in the color chosen in your Staff Availability Settings. When no availability has been entered for a staff person, the time blocks will be highlighted with grey zebra stripes.
  • Activity cards for classes with substitute instructors display a visual cue (instructor icon and zebra stripe) that a substitute is present in both the original instructor’s and the substitute instructor’s columns.