Practice What You've Learned

Are you a hands-on learner? Here’s your chance to practice and apply what you’ve learned! Use our practice Jackrabbit system to apply what you've learned without affecting your organization's data.

Login Credentials

Go to  and log in with the credentials below for your Jackrabbit edition. Each practice Jackrabbit system is refreshed each day at approximately 5:00 am Eastern Time.  Anything you enter will be erased at that time.

Edition User ID Password
Cheer LMSCheer Training1
Class LMSClass Training1
Dance LMSDance Training1
Music LMSMusic Training1
Swim LMSSwim Training1

Practice Exercises

Task Related Lesson Related Article
Identify the Registration Date for the Hesseur family.
Lesson #1The Family Record
Add a new family with a fake name and address.
Lesson #2 Work with All Families
Add a To Do Task to the Executive Dashboard.Lesson #3To Do Tasks on the Executive Dashboard
Add a staff member.
Lesson #5
Add Staff/Instructors
Assign a staff member to a class. Lesson #5 Assign Staff/Instructors to Classes
Add a class from the Classic Weekly Class Calendar. Lesson #10 Add Classes - Overview
 Post a cash or check payment to a family.
Lesson #17
Post an Individual Payment in a Family Record
Find a payment made by a family and refund it.
Lesson #17
Refund a Cash or Check Payment
Copy an email template and customize it.
Lesson #19 Copy an Email Template and Customize a Jackrabbit Email Template
Send an email for a Weather Closing.
Lesson #19 Email Families
Send your customized email to an individual class.
Lesson #19 Email Classes

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