

Accrual Accounting

Basis of accounting where revenue is recognized at the time it is earned (billed/invoiced) and expenses are recognized when they are incurred.


Broadband Internet

Broadband Internet service is the most used form of Internet access because of its high access speeds; it is offered in four different forms, DSL (or Digital Subscriber Line), fiber-optic, cable, and satellite.


A web browser, or simply "browser," is an application used to access and view websites. Common internet web browsers include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari.



Every web browser has a temporary storage area called a cache. Each time you visit a website, certain information is stored in the cache so that when you next visit that site it loads much quicker.

Card Present Transaction

Credit card or debit card transaction (conducted face-to-face with a merchant) during which the cardholder is physically present and therefore his or her card is seen and swiped or processed using the chip.

Card Swiper

Card swiper refers to the magnetic strip card swiper (non EMV).

Cash Accounting

Basis of accounting where revenue is recognized only when payment is received and expenses are recognized when they are paid for.

Category Codes Cat1 Cat2 Cat3

Category codes (Cat1, Cat2, and Cat3) are set up by you in your Drop-down List editor. Cat1 are your revenue buckets. Cat 2 and 3 are used for filtering and sorting.

Class Listings Tables

Class Listings Tables are a list of your available classes, and information about each one, displayed directly on your own webpages. The class information is updated automatically in REAL TIME so families view the current information.

Clearing Account

A clearing account, in accounting, is a temporary General Ledger account containing amounts that are to be transferred to another account. The balance of this account at a period end should always be zero. Any balance needs attention because it needs to be reallocated.


CMS (Content Management System) website (such as Joomla, Chalkjock, Wordpress, and many others)

Control Account

A General Ledger control account, in accounting, is used in conjunction with a subsidiary ledger. The subsidiary ledger contains the details of all transactions that make up the total balance in the control account.


Cookies are a message type used by web browsers that help websites remember and apply information learned about the user.


A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system helps manage customer data. It supports sales management, delivers actionable insights, integrates with social media and facilitates team communication.

CSV File

A CSV is a comma separated values file which allows data to be saved in a table structured format. CSVs look like a garden-variety spreadsheet but with a .csv extension.


Data Center

A data center is a facility housing many networked computers that work together to process, store and share data. Most major tech companies rely heavily upon data centers as a central component in delivering online services.


The domain is the name of a network linked to the Internet. You can find the domain in an email address after an @ sign or as part a website's URL.

Drop Date

A student's drop date is considered exclusive. A student is NOT considered in class on their drop date.



Electronic Commerce (eCommerce) is simply a way of conducting business over the internet. Jackrabbit allows for both credit card and bank account processing.

EMV Chip

EMV Credit Cards have a small metallic square embedded into the card. It is designed to decrease fraud when using a chip card terminal.


An ePayment is a credit card or a bank draft / eCheck transaction. ePayments are sent from Jackrabbit through your gateway to the merchant processor who settles the payment.

ePayment Partner

Jackrabbit works with specific providers to offer online payments through the system. Code is written for each provider to allow Jackrabbit to 'talk' to their gateway. See Contact an ePayment Partner for information.

ePayment Schedule

Located on each family's Billing Info tab, this field defines when the family pays. Examples are 1st of month, 15th of month, etc. Use ePayment Schedule to isolate specific payment schedules when eBatching eCommerce transactions in Tools > Process Credit Cards/Bank Accts.


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems use the same database throughout an entire company to store various types of data for different computerized functions.

Existing Customer

An existing customer is someone who has already gone through the registration process and has a Family record in your system. An existing customer can be either active (students enrolled in classes) or inactive (no students currently enrolled in classes).


Fixed Fee

A fixed fee can be created for a family or for individual students and can be used when the typical tuition that would post (using Post Tuition Fees) is not appropriate.

Friendly Fraud

“Friendly fraud” is a type of fraud that is committed when an individual had knowledge of or somehow benefited from a transaction on their account, even though they reported it as unauthorized.

Fully Qualified URL

An FQDN, or a Fully Qualified Domain Name, is written with the hostname and the domain name, including the top-level domain, in that order: [host name].[domain].[tld].



The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP, are the standard framework of rules and guidelines that accountants must adhere to when preparing a business’s financial statements.


A gateway is essentially a translator between Jackrabbit and your merchant account. A gateway charges for this service.

General Ledger

The General Ledger is the main accounting record of a company or organization.

Global Search

2 search fields above the Jackrabbit menu bar that allow you to search your entire system for either a person (by name, email, phone) or a class.


Help Button

The question mark (?) icon located on the menu bar.



(.IIF) files are tab-separated value files that QuickBooks Desktop uses to import or export lists or transactions. These files make it easier to transfer data to and from different platforms to QuickBooks.


Intercom is a customer messaging application that has been embedded into Jackrabbit. It is used to broadcast messages with important information about enhancements, new trainings available, etc.


An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the company that provides you with access to the Internet.



Locations in Jackrabbit are used to separate business activities. They can be used to denote physical locations, to split transactions for partnerships, or to represent different programs operating in the same facility (as examples).



A markup is anything beyond the established wholesale fees that are charged by the card associations and the card issuing banks.

Merchant Account

A merchant account is a type of bank account that allows the acceptance of eCommerce transactions. A merchant account charges for this service.

Merchant Processor

Your gateway translates credit card transaction requests into 'banking' language and sends it to the merchant processor. The merchant processor works with the card issuing bank to settle the transaction. The merchant processor's accepted or declined response is sent back to the gateway.


Org ID

Each Jackrabbit system has a unique 5 or 6 digit organizational identification number, called an Org ID. Go to the Gear icon > Account > My Account and you'll see your ID in the Organizational Details.



The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment

PDF File

PDF (Portable Document Format) is the global standard for sharing files. To view / print PDF files, PDF reader software is required. This software typically is pre-loaded on computers but if you do not have a reader installed there are many readers that can be downloaded free (Adobe, Foxit, Google).

Primary Card

If you allow families to maintain multiple cards on file, the Primary Card is the family's main card on file. This card is the default when processing epayments.


PTF is an acronym sometimes used to refer to the Post Tuition Fees feature under the Transactions menu.



Amount of money received for services. Also known as income. In Jackrabbit, revenue is recognized when fees are paid.


Search Criteria

Search criteria are filters you can use to select specific information when running your reports.

SSL Certificate

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a protocol for securing and authenticating data on the Internet. When installed on a web server, an SSL Certificate activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser.

Staff Portal Login ID

A Staff Portal Login ID only allows access to the Staff Portal.This ID alone does not allow access to your system allowing you to protect sensitive data.

Subsidiary Ledger

A subsidiary ledger, in accounting, contains the details to support a General Ledger control account, e.g., the subsidiary ledger for Accounts Receivable contains the details of each family's transactions where the control account shows the total of all family accounts with no detail.

Support Button

The Support button, or help button, refers to the ? in the menu bar in Jackrabbit.Click to submit an email ticket, start a live chat, or request a call from a Support Representative. Links are provided for the Jackrabbit Help Center, YouTube channel, and other resources.

System Administrator

A System Administrator is a User in Jackrabbit that has ALL User permissions and manages the system, e.g. adding or deleting other Users, etc.



Transport Layer Security (TLS) is an encryption protocol approved by the Payment Card Industry. It keeps customer data safe through encryption and ensures no third parties can eavesdrop or tamper with messages when servers and clients communicate.


Undeposited Funds

Undeposited Funds is a General Ledger account in QuickBooks that is used to track customer payments until they are deposited in the bank.

User ID

A Jackrabbit User ID and password are the keys to your system; these credentials give a User the ability to log into your system. Users can be limited as to which areas of your system they are able to work in with User Permissions.



Vaulting is the process of replacing the actual credit card number with a random set of numbers called a VaultID. This provides security for you and your families as the actual credit card number no longer resides in the system.

Virtual Terminal

A virtual terminal (VT) is an online access point to your gateway account that is offered by your ePayment provider. If you are set up for ePayments in Jackrabbit, a link to your VT can be found in your ePayment Credit Card & Bank Account settings.


Web Graphic URL

A Web Graphic URL offers you the opportunity to create and use special images and graphics for specific events. For example, you may have a special image that you use for birthday parties and a different image that you use for open houses. In order for the image to be displayed on your event registration form, it needs to reside somewhere on the internet and have a URL (a web address that usually starts with http://).


A list of domains that will not be blocked by email blocking programs.

Wildcard Search

Wildcards are used in search terms to represent one or more other characters. An asterisk (*) may be used to specify any number of characters so the full name doesn't have to be entered.