Work with All Students - View, Search, and Take Action

Permissions control the ability of your Users to see certain data and take specific actions. Before moving forward review User Permissions for All Students.

All Students, located in the Students menu, generates a list of all active and inactive student records in Jackrabbit. From here you can use the powerful grid to access all your student data.

Sample All Students Grid

  1. Breadcrumbs display the currently selected filters.
  2. Data Visuals provide student information at a glance.
  3. Open filters (filter drawer), Save as favorite, Favorites, Hide/Show Data visuals.
  4. Adjust columns, Send a Message, Refresh Grid, and More (click for actions that can be taken with one or more students).
  5. Column Search - enter a search term in the search field. The column will be searched for results containing that term.
  6. Row Menu - use the row menu to perform an action for an individual student.

Click the Adjust columnsicon to squeeze the grid columns closer together. You will be able to see all the columns in the grid.

Data Visuals - Key Information at a Glance

Data visuals (charts) provide a quick view of key information about your students. The elements included in the data visuals are predefined by Jackrabbit.  

The All Students data visuals are interactive and can be hidden. Use the Hide/Show Data visuals icon to toggle back and forth.


If you have multiple Locations in your organization, this element will display and show the proportion of students in each Location.

Hover to see the numbers of students in each segment or click on a segment of the chart and the exact number of students in a location displays. In addition, the students from the selected location are listed in the grid. 


The number of active vs inactive students is shown in this data visual.

Hover to see the numbers of students in each segment or click on a segment of the chart and the number of active students shows. In addition, the active students will populate in the grid.

Absences (last 14 days)

If your organization tracks absences, this data visual shows student absences, within the last 14 days, in 3 views:

  • Students had absences
  • # of absences
  • Top 5 students with absences

Click on the links or graph to show more details. When you click on a visual, the students are listed in the grid. Click the student's name in the Top 5 list to open the student's record in a separate tab.

Drops (last 14 days)

Shows the number of students who have dropped classes, within the last 14 days, in 3 views:

  • Students had drops
  • # of drops
  • Top 5 students with dropped classes

Click on the links or graph to show more details. When you click on a visual, the students are listed in the grid. Click the student's name in the Top 5 list to open the student's record in a separate tab.

Makeups Owed

If your organization allows students to makeup missed classes, the number of students who are owed makeups is displayed in this section.

  • Students are owed makeups
  • # of makeups
  • Top 5 students with makeups
  • Click on a link or the graph and the student's information is listed in the grid. Click the student's name in the Top 5 list to open the student's record in a separate tab.

Use Filters to Search for Specific Students

Select the Filter icon to open the Filter Drawer which houses various criteria to help you drill down to specific students, for example, to list all inactive students or to filter students by category.

Each filter you select will narrow the results down further.

  • Once filters are selected and applied, they will appear in the breadcrumbs. Use the red x next to a filter in the breadcrumbs to clear it and refresh the displayed students.
  • Filters are grouped and organized into sections for ease of use and look to information located in the Student record, on the various tabs. 
  • Use the arrow to expand a section to see the filters within, or use the Expand All/Collapse All option at the top of the Filter Drawer.
  • Search for a filter by entering a keyword in the search box at the top of the Filter Drawer. For example, enter "skills" to quickly locate and select from the Skills/Levels group of filters. Select the filter and click on any field to see a drop-down list to make additional selections. Choose as many filters as needed.
  • Select date fields by clicking on the calendar icon or manually enter dates.

Save your Favorite Filtered Grid Views

Save time and effort each time you open a grid page to view your data! After you have applied filters or clicked on a data visual, set the grid column widths, and you can save the filtered data as a Favorite.

Saved favorites can be set as a default view and shared with other Jackrabbit Users in your organization. There is no limit to the number of filtered grid views you can save. 

Save a Favorite

Once filters are selected, it's simple to save your favorite views:

  1. Filter the grid for the information you are looking for. 
    • Use the filter (icon) or click on a data visual.
    • Adjust column widths as needed.
  2. Click the Save as favorite (icon).
    • Enter a favorite name.
    • Select if you want to set the favorite as the default view. This view will automatically load when you return to the page.
    • Select if you want to share with your team. 
  3. Click Save. Your filtered data, column width, and column-locked positions are all saved.
Open a Favorite

Load or open a saved favorite:

  1. Click the Favorites (icon).
  2. Select your saved favorite from the drop-down list or start typing in the search field.
  3. Choose one of the saved views and click Load. The grid populates the data, and the breadcrumbs indicate the selected filters.

If you opened a saved favorite grid view and would like to make it your default view, resave it as a favorite and toggle the Make this your default view? to the right. Click Save.

Delete a Favorite

If you created a Favorite, you will be able to delete it:

  1. Click the Favorites (icon).
  2. Select the favorite you would like to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

Contact Jackrabbit Support if you want to delete a Favorite filtered view created by another User.

Work with the Information in the Grid (Table)

Jackrabbit grids, located throughout the system, are very powerful and allow you to group and sort your data to customize the way your results are displayed. Each grid has core features such as grouping data by dragging a column to the grouping bar. Row menus and column menus offer different options depending on the grid.

Learn more about working with grids here.
Use Column Search to quickly find information in a column. For example, in the search field for the Student column enter a student name or part of a name, and all matches will populate in the grid. Use the red x to remove the information from the search field.

Take Action for an Individual Student

Use the Row Menu (icon)  to edit that row and access options for working with an individual student. Click on the icon and a new browser tab or pop-up window will open depending on the action you select. 

Click directly on the Row  Menu  for the student you want to work with; do not use the checkbox in the 1st column. When any checkboxes (for use with mass actions) are selected in the 1st column, the row menus are deactivated and won't display.

  • View/Edit - opens the Student record
  • Enroll - opens the Student Enroll page
  • Email Schedule - opens the Email Student Schedules page
  • Info Sheet - opens the Student Information Sheet
  • Absence/Attendance - opens the Student Attendance Report
  • Add a note - opens the Add a note pop-up window

The Send Message (icon)can be used to send emails, text messages, and push notifications  (through the Jackrabbit Plus mobile app) to an individual student or to multiple students.

Take Action for Multiple Students (Mass Actions)

Choose one of these options to select students and to perform a mass action:

  • Select all students - leave the checkbox in the 1st column unchecked and all students in the grid are selected. You will be able to Send a Message and perform all the mass actions in the drop-down list including Print and Export to Excel.
  • Select specific students - select the checkboxes for individual students in the 1st column to mass update Student fixed fees, Clear UDF Answers, and Add a note for the group or send a message.
  • Current students displayed on the page (max. 250/page) - select the checkbox in the 1st column header.

Send a Message - Choose to send an email, push notification, or text message to chosen recipients in the selected records, e.g., Primary Contacts only, or Primary, Billing, and Other Contacts. 

  • Select the checkbox for the students you want to be included in the message. You can select individual students across multiple pages.
  • To send to all students currently displayed on a page (max 250/page) select the checkbox in the column header. 
  • To send to ALL students on ALL pages, leave all checkboxes empty. All students will be included.

Student fixed fees - Update student fixed fees for the students selected* in the grid. Indicate the Amount, Expiration date, and the Fixed Fee Category 1. Toggle to remove fixed fees from the selected students. Click Update to save the fixed fees. 

Clear UDF Answers - Clear the User-defined fields for the selected students*. Select the User-Defined Field Answers you would like to clear. Click Clear.

Add a note - Opens the Add a note pop-up window. Create the note, add a Title, compose the contents of the note for the selected students*, include tags (if needed), and click Add. The notes that are added are added to the student record and can be edited or deleted at any time.

Print - Opens a print window to print the student information in the grid (max. 250 rows) or save it as a file for future use. 

The print option is only available when the checkboxes remain unselected in the 1st column.

Export to Excel - Downloads an excel file of all the filtered information in the grid to your computer. 

This option is only available when the checkboxes remain unselected in the 1st column and all students in the grid will be included.

*The grid displays a maximum of 250 students per page.

Student information in the All Students grid lives in the Student record. Click a Student link in the grid to open the student's individual record.