Staff Procedures for Trial Enrollments

To keep all of your staff on the same page, it's a good idea to develop a procedure for handling trial enrollments. This will ensure that your enrollment reports are consistent and accurate.

Establish a workflow to:

  • Track incoming trial enrollments.
  • Handle the enrollment for students who don't enroll in the class after the trial.
  • Change the Enroll Type for students who liked their trial and then enrolled in the class.

Track Trial Enrollments

The ability to track and report on trial enrollments is based on the Enroll Type

The Enroll Type of Trial is assigned to all trial enrollments, whether they come in through Online Registration or were enrolled from within Jackrabbit, which allows you to report on trial enrollments using reports that include the Search Criteria or Filter = Enroll Type.

The Type (Enroll) is displayed in both the Class record and the Student record.

The Scheduled Trials alert on the Executive Dashboard highlights the number of trial enrollments that are scheduled in a gray circle. Users with the right permissions can click the Scheduled Trials alert to open the Enroll History report search criteria page pre-filtered for Enrollment Type = Trial.

Change Enroll Type Based on Trial Outcome

  • If a trial becomes an enrolled student, delete any Future Drop date from the class Enroll List tab and change the Enroll Type to Trial-Enrolled. This can also be done from the student's Classes tab.

  • If the student doesn't enroll after taking the trial class, staff should make sure a Future Drop is in place that will automatically drop the student. If not, the student should be dropped from the class using the date after the trial occurred.

If no change is made, and the student remains as Enroll Type = Trial, it's possible that the student will be excluded from your tuition posting. This could happen if you always clear the checkbox for Post tuition to students with Enroll Type = Trial when using Post Tuition Fees.