Located above the Menu Bar, Jackrabbit offers two fields to help you quickly search and find people and classes. These fields are referred to as the Global Search Fields or Quick Search Fields.
- The find a family... field allows you to search a name, email (when the '@' symbol is included), or phone number.
- The find a class... field allows you to search for active classes.
By default these searches are a "starts with" search, however, you can make it a wildcard search using an asterisk. With this, you can search for a name that contains the characters you define.
Class name - Advanced Tap
- If just "tap" is entered in the search field, this class will NOT be located because it does not start with "tap" - it starts with "adv".
- If the search term is entered as "*tap" this class WILL be located because it contains the sequence of characters that you defined (tap).
The "starts with" search is very literal! Make sure there are no blank spaces before your search term.
What does Jackrabbit search?
Jackrabbit will search phone numbers in your database when 10 digits (phone number and area code), 7 digits (no area code), or the last 4 digits of the phone number are entered in the search field.
A non-numeric search term will search:
- Family name
- Student first name
- Student last name
- Student email address
- Contact first name
- Contact last name
- Contact email address
The type of search is always a "starts with" search unless you prefix your search with an asterisk "*". One slight exception is if you enter two search terms separated by a space, Jackrabbit assumes this to be a first and last name and will search on the family name as a "contains" search even without an asterisk.
Advanced Searches
The Families (menu) > All Families, Students (menu) > All Students, and Classes (menu) > All Classes offer advanced filtering options that allow you to narrow your search to a specific group.
Refer to these articles to learn more about these searches:
Work with All Families - View, Search, and Take Action
Work with All Students - View, Search, and Take Action
Work with All Classes - View Search, and Take Action
Search Staff