Archive Classes - An Overview

Once a class has completely ended and all tuition has been posted, the class should be archived rather than deleted. Archiving a class sets the class status to Archived.  A class does not become inactive simply because the end date has passed.  It must be archived in order for Jackrabbit to recognize that the class is no longer active and that the enrollment is considered 'in the past.'  It is not necessary to Mass Drop students prior to archiving a class.  Archiving the class will move the class from a student's Current Enrollment to Past Enrollment on the Student's Class tab.

Archiving classes when a session is completed is important for several reasons:

  • It updates the Class Status = Archived.
  • It archives any students on the class' Waitlist.  (If a class is later restored, the waitlist restores as well.)
  • It updates every enrolled student (not already dropped) including future drops by setting the Drop Date to the current date and the Drop Reason to Class Archived.  (Note: Students in archived classes do not appear as dropped students in Enrollment Reports since they are not 'true' drops'.)
  • It places the class into the Past Enrollment section of the Student Classes tab. 
  • It ensures historic, statistical enrollment data can be retrieved for future use.
  • It removes the Policy Group(s) associated with the class.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  What happens to the transactions for a family when I archive a class?

A.  All transaction history remains the same.  Archiving classes does not impact Student or Family information.

Q.  Can I post tuition to an archived class?

A.  Once a class has been archived, it is not possible to post tuition to the class using Transactions > Post Tuition Fees.

Q.  If I restore a class that had future enrollment in it when it was archived, will the future enrollment be restored as well?

A.  Yes. Restoring a class will also restore any future enrollment.

Q. How can I find an archived class and the date it was archived?

A.  Use the List Archived Classes report to locate the archived classes (List/Search Archived Classes), select the class from the report results, and scroll down to the lower left to see the Last Updated Date, Date Created, Class ID, and the Date Archived.