The seventh lesson in this Learning Series, Work with Classes, is designed to get you familiar with adding, editing, copying, and archiving classes. You may wish to review the article listed below before beginning.
The review article listed below will open the Help article in a new tab. When you are finished reviewing the material, close the tab and return to this page to proceed with the lesson.
The Class record provides a central location for storing and accessing all class information. Each Class record includes tabs to organize information, action buttons for specific tasks, and links to related records or actions.
The quickest way to access a Class record is by using the Global Search field above the main menu. In the find a class... field, enter a class name or use a * wildcard search to locate the record. You can also easily navigate to a Class record from the All Classes page (Classes menu).
Class Tab Descriptions
Use the blue links to learn more about related topics.
Description |
Summary | The Summary tab stores basic class information, including dates and times, tuition posting settings, and enrollment settings. From this tab, you can control whether the class is displayed online and if online portal enrollments are permitted. Items added to the Class Summary tab are accessible in the Parent Portal. |
Enroll List |
All current and future student enrollments for the class can be viewed on the Enroll List tab. Users can drop or transfer students and specify their enrollment type (e.g., trial, waitlist). |
Drop List | The Drop List tab summarizes the drops that occur in each class. Users can indicate if a student has completed the class. The list includes drop information for students archived to the Lead File. Note: There are no additional details available for students archived before 11/11/2015. |
Absences |
An overview of student absences includes each student's detailed absence/attendance history is located on the Absences tab. If you track attendance, this tab will be labeled Attendance. |
Makeups | The Makeups tab lists scheduled makeups for the class, with options to reschedule or remove them as needed. |
Waitlist | Manage class waitlists from the Waitlist tab, including priority ordering. |
Instructors |
Assign up to four Staff/Instructor(s) per class on the Instructors tab. |
Lesson Plan | On the Lesson Plan tab, Users can add Lesson Plans directly to a class or copy a Master Lesson Plan. Lesson Plans assigned to classes are viewable in the Staff Portal. |
Skills/Levels |
Assign Skills/Levels to a class and track student progress on the Skills/Levels tab. |
Misc | The Misc tab is where Users can add class-related notes for future reference. |
Costumes/Apparel | Add apparel, costumes, equipment, materials, or supplies to a class from the Costumes/Apparel tab. The tab name depends on the setting selected from the Gear icon > Settings > General > Organization Defaults > Costume/Apparel Module Settings. Learn more about Costume/Apparel Management. |
Notes | The Notes tab contains detailed, searchable notes about your classes. Users can add, edit, or delete notes, and can search, filter by tags, and sort notes by the date they were created or modified to quickly find specific entries. |
Resources | Each Class record features a Resources tab where you can upload class resources like files and add links (URLs). For example, add a Google Doc link with instructions in the Class record or upload a permission form document to the Family record. |
Policy Groups |
Policy Groups associated with a class can be added and viewed on the Policy Groups tab. Each policy indicates the date the policy was added to the class. |
Class Button Descriptions
Use the blue links to learn more about related topics.
Button | Description |
Class Roll |
Choose display settings to view the Class Roll for a class with the Class Roll button. |
Enroll Student |
Enroll a student into the class using the Enroll Student button. |
Email/Text Class | Use the Email/Text Class button to quickly email, text, or send a push notification to the class. Note: Text message and push notification features must be enabled. |
Enter Absences | Use the Enter Absences button to record students who were absent. If you track absences, the button will be labeled Enter Absences, and if you track attendance, the button will be labeled Enter Attendance. Utilize the Staff Portal Attendance feature to enter absences and several other convenient features in a one-stop-shop location. |
Absence/Attendance |
Choose display settings to view/print the Student Attendance Report for the class with the Absence/Attendance button. |
Post Class Transactions |
Class transactions can also be posted from within the Class record using the Post Class Transactions button. |
Copy Class | Use the Copy Class button in the Class record to copy a single class. This is a great time saver when creating similar classes that only need a few changes. |
Mass Drop | Drop all the students from a class quickly and efficiently with the Mass Drop button. This is a great option when handling a canceled class. |
Sizes/Measurements | Use the Sizes/Measurements button to open the Student Size Entry page, which displays a list of enrolled students with fields for assigning sizes or measurements to students. |
Archive Class | Once a class has completely ended and all tuition has been posted, use the Archive Class button to archive the specific class. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I hide certain classes on my website, Online Registration form, and the Parent Portal?
A. Hide classes by changing these settings on the Summary tab of the Class record to No:
- Display on Website
- Allow Online Registration
- Allow Portal Enrollment
The most efficient way to hide a group of classes is to select the Classes menu > Edit All Classes. Choose your preferred Search Criteria and select Submit. Use the Global Change (yellow row) to change the Display on Website?, Allow Online Registration?, and Allow Portal?, settings to No, and select Save Changes.
The Class Summary tab includes all class details. Expand each section for a brief description of the fields.
The field options on the Class Summary tab will vary based on the Tuition & Discounting Settings (Gear icon > Settings > Tuition & Discounting).
Note: The drop-down lists for the Class fields marked with an asterisk * below are customizable. To customize them, select the Gear icon > Settings > General > Drop-Down Lists on the left menu and select the Class.
Class Name
Designate a Name for the class. See Tips for Naming Your Classes.
The Status of a class can affect whether it is displayed in the Class Listing Tables or the Parent Portal.
The Business Locations setting (Gear icon > Settings > General > Business Locations - left menu) lets you identify the difference between business activities and manage access permissions for different Jackrabbit Users.
Indicates where the class will take place. A Room can filter your classes; for example, you can find all classes in Studio A or Pool 1. In the Drop-Down Lists setting (Gear icon > Settings > General > Drop-Down Lists - left menu), you can create a Room value/name. View your class calendar by Room, which is helpful when you create and manage your class schedule.
Sessions group classes held within a specified time frame and can be helpful with comparative analysis reporting. A Session can cover an entire year or specific parts of a year (e.g., Winter season).
Class Start/End & Registration Start Dates
Select the class start and end dates. The class will only appear on your calendars or schedules if a start date is entered. The registration start date controls when students can be enrolled in the class and prevents enrollment from starting until you are ready.
Tip: Set the End Date of a perpetual class well into the future so the class will continue appearing on Jackrabbit calendars and schedules.
Select the checkbox(es) for the days the class will meet. You can sort/filter classes by meeting days and ensure they appear on your calendar and schedule.
Start/End Times & Duration
Select the time the class will start and end. In the Organization Default settings (Gear icon > Settings > General > Organization Defaults - left menu), review the Class Duration setting. This setting controls whether the Duration field on the Class Summary tab is automatically calculated when the class times are entered. However, it can be edited on the Class Summary tab if needed. Set this to No to complete the field manually.
If you post your tuition By Total Hours, the Duration field is used to calculate the tuition fees; a Fee Schedule outlines the tuition fee for each Duration of time in classes.
Has a Registration Fee?
If your class will have a registration fee, view the Registration Fee settings before you open registration.
When Do you charge registration fees? is toggled to Yes (Gear icon > Settings > Registration Fees), you are opting to post Registration Fee(s) for New and/or Existing Families in your settings. A registration fee is posted to the family's account when new families register and enroll online or when existing families enroll in the class through the Parent Portal.
When Do you charge registration fees? is toggled to No (Gear icon > Settings > Registration Fees), a registration fee will not be posted, even if the checkbox is selected at the Class level.
Clear the checkbox for classes that don't have a Registration Fee, e.g., your summer classes. New students enrolling in classes during Online Registration and existing students enrolled through the Parent Portal will not be charged a registration fee.
Use the flexible filters in All Classes to display classes with or without registration fees. Update multiple classes at once to exclude them from posting registration fees using the Mass Edit option (Classes > All Classes > More icon and select Mass Edit).
Tuition Fee
The Tuition Fee is the amount charged to enrolled students each billing cycle when you post your tuition By Class Fee. For example, an organization that bills monthly would enter the amount a student would pay for the class each month.
If your class fees are based on how often a student attends the class during the week, you will select Yes to use the Per-Day setting.
Exclude from requiring payment during Parent Portal enrollment
This option will be available if your organization is set to require payment in the Parent Portal when parents enroll students in classes and events.
Select the checkbox to exclude payment processing of fees for this specific class during Parent Portal enrollment. The parent will see a message in the Cart indicating that while the fee is posted, payment will be required later.
Tuition Billing Method
The Tuition Billing Method tells Jackrabbit whether you bill (post tuition) By Class Fee or By Total Hours of class instruction.
Exclude from Multi-Class Discount
When a Multi-Class Discount is calculated, a class with Exclude from Multi-Class Discount selected will not count toward a student's total number of classes. This setting only applies to classes using the By Class Fee Tuition Billing Method.
Exclude from Total Hours Count
When Yes is selected for the Exclude from Total Hours Count setting, the class Duration is excluded from the total hours used to calculate tuition based on the Fee Schedule. This setting only applies to classes using the By Total Hours Tuition Billing Method.
Tuition Billing Cycle
Tuition Billing Cycles tell Jackrabbit how often families are billed for tuition for each class and what day/date the Billing Cycle starts.
Tuition Discount Rule
Tuition Discount Rules define multi-class and multi-student discounts (or a combination of both!) for classes billed By Class Fee. Once a rule is assigned to a class, the class will use that rule's discounts when posting tuition fees based on your Tuition Fee Settings (Gear icon > Settings > Tuition & Discounting).
Prorate Tuition
Select this checkbox to Prorate Tuition fees for students who enroll after a Billing Cycle has started, students who have a scheduled drop before the Billing Cycle ends, classes that fall on a day your facility is closed, and classes that meet more than the standard number of times per month (By Class Fee Billing Method only).
Is the class specific to one gender or open to all? A gender filter can be turned on for Online Registrations from the Gear icon > Settings > Online Registration > Settings - left menu > Class Search Settings - section and scroll down to the Class Search/Filter Settings.
You can edit your drop-down list to contain more inclusive options in addition to male and female from the Gear icon > Settings > General > Drop-Down Lists - left menu > Student > Gender.
Min Age/Max Age
Add optional minimum and maximum age requirements for the class, including years and months. The Min/Max Age can be used to set age restrictions for classes when enrolling.
- A warning will display when a Jackrabbit User enrolls a student who does not meet the age requirements. The warning is only informational, and the User can still complete the enrollment. Enable the warning from the Gear icon > Settings > General > Organization Defaults > Class Settings - section.
- For online registration, the class search results can be filtered on the Online Registration form to show only the classes that match a student's age requirements. A student's eligibility for a class with a Min Age and/or Max Age is based on their age on the Class Start Date. The student's current age is used if the Class Start Date is today or in the past. If the Class Start Date is in the future, the students must meet the age requirement by that date.
Cutoff Date
Enter a Cutoff Date to determine a student's eligibility for a class with a Min Age and/or Max Age requirement based on a date other than the Class Start Date. If a Cutoff Date is entered (optional), the student's age on that date is used to determine if the student meets the age requirements for the class.
*Category 1, 2, and 3
Jackrabbit organizes your system with Class Categories. Category 1 is the most important because it organizes your revenue and enrollment. Categories 2 and 3 are subcategories used to define levels or sections.
Enrollment Max Size/Max Wait
The Enrollment Max Size/Max Wait is the maximum number of students enrolled in the class or on the waitlist.
A brief class description is visible to both staff and customers. Avoid special characters (%, &, *, !, ©, ™, etc.) in the description.
Display on Website
This optional setting controls whether the class will be included in any Class Listing Tables displayed on your website.
Note: If Display on Website is set to Yes and Allow Web Registration is set to No, the class will be included in your Class Listing Tables without a link to register.
Allow Online Registration
The setting controls whether the class is available for families to select when they fill out an Online Registration form or register from your Class Listing Tables. Based on your Online Registration settings (Gear icon > Settings > Online Registration > Settings - left menu), the class is subject to other rules such as available openings, waitlist, age, and gender restrictions.
When set to Yes, the class will appear on the Online Registration form (Select Class - button). If openings are available, the Class Listing Tables will contain a Register link.
When set to No, the class is hidden from the Online Registration form (Select Class - button) and will not have a registration link in the Class Listing Tables on your website.
Allow Portal Enrollment
When set to Yes, the class will be available for families to select when they enroll students in the Parent Portal.
Allow Trial Enrollment
If set to Yes, a Trial checkbox will be added to your Online Registration form, and students can register as a trial. Learn more about Trial Enrollment.
Allow Makeups in Class
When set to Yes (the default), students can be scheduled for a makeup in the class. Set this to No to prevent a makeup from being scheduled.
Class ID
This field will prefill if you import your data from another program or system. If not, this should be left blank.
Virtual Class/Video Link URL
Use this field to add the URL for a Virtual class you have created for your students or the link to a video uploaded to a video-sharing site. This resource will be accessible from the Parent Portal on the Class Card.
If you have multiple resources you want to share for one class, you can:
- Create a Google doc to compile all the information and share the link for a one-stop shop!
- Set up a Google Drive or Dropbox folder with all your resources in one place and share the link.
- Add a password-protected page to your website, add your files and links, and enter the URL in the Class record.
Learn more about how to add access to online training in the Parent Portal.
Virtual Class/Video Link Text
Enter the text you want to display for the link, e.g., Watch this Video Tutorial. The maximum character length is 50. If left blank, the URL will appear in the portal instead.
The Add Class modal (window) allows you to enter the majority of the class information, including Policy Groups, that is found on the Class record > Summary tab (excluding gender and age settings). You can choose to enter as much of this information initially as you wish but at a minimum, you must enter the required fields (marked with '*').
Many of the fields on the Summary tab of the Class record affect class management, including enrollment and tuition posting. Refer to Class Summary Tab - The Fields Explained for a description of each of the fields on the Summary tab.
To accommodate different workflows, Jackrabbit offers several ways to open the Add Class modal to add a new class:
Adding a class from the Classic Weekly Class Calendar is a great way to build your class schedule as it offers a visual of open time slots.
The Calendar is easily accessible in the top navigation of Jackrabbit, no matter where you are in Jackrabbit. Learn more about adding a class from the Classic Weekly Class Calendar. |
Add Class, from the Classes menu, is a convenient way to open the Add Class modal and add a class on the fly.
The Classes menu is easily accessible from wherever you are in Jackrabbit. |
All Classes is a powerful one-stop-shop for working with your classes, including adding a class!
Use the Add New Class button ![]() |
Classes can also be added by copying an existing class or copying a group of classes when working with sessions.
You can add a class from the Classes (menu) > Add Class. The Add Class pop-up modal (window) allows you to enter the majority of the class information that is found on the Class record > Summary tab (excluding gender and age settings). You can choose to enter as much of this information initially as you wish but at a minimum, you must enter the required fields (marked with '*').
- Go to the Classes (menu) > Add Class to open the Add Class window.
- Enter a Class Name.
- Select the appropriate drop-down if you have more than one Location.
- Optionally, select a Room and Instructor for the class.
- You may opt to assign an Instructor and Session.
- Enter a Class Start Date.
- If you designated a Start Date, End Date, and Registration Date for the Session when you were customizing your drop-down lists (Gear icon > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists) these fields will automatically populate. Edit as needed.
- Check the box for the day(s) the class meets. Note: Days the Class meets should be checked in order for Classes to display on Calendars and Schedules.
- Enter the class Start Time and End Time. The Duration will automatically calculate based on those times but can be edited if needed.
- Add the Tuition Fee, Max Size, and Tuition Billing Method at this time or you can add them later.
- Select Category 1 and optionally choose Category 2 or Category 3. To learn more about Category 1 check out our Customize Drop-down Lists section.
- Select the Policy Group(s) for the class when applicable.
- Enter the class Description now or leave it for later.
- Set your preferences for Display on Website, Allow Online Registration, Allow Portal Enrollment, and Allow Trial Enrollment. See Class Summary Tab - The Fields Explained for more information about these fields.
- Click Save, Save & Add Another, or Save & Copy Class. Once a class is created, the new Class record opens to the Summary tab.
Click the Save & Copy Class button to copy a class with similar details. Change the name when prompted and make changes to details as needed.
Adding a class from the Classic Weekly Class Calendar is a great way to build your class schedule as it offers a visual of open time slots. Use the Change Criteria button to customize the calendar view, for example for only a specific room or a specific instructor. Learn more about the powerful Weekly View calendar in our Help Center article The Classic Weekly Class Calendar.
- Click Weekly Calendar on the Executive Dashboard to view the Calendar and change the criteria if needed.
- Click the Add Class button or double click a time slot on the calendar where you want to add the class.
- Enter the class details in the Add Class window. At a minimum, you must enter all required (*) information. Note: If you select a Session for the class, and you have defined the start/end dates for the session in your drop-down list editor, you may get a Potential Date Conflict pop-up window. This is simply to alert you that the date you have used as the class start date (the date you clicked on the calendar) falls outside of the session's defined start/end dates. You can opt to leave the current dates or use the new session dates.
- Click Save.
After the class is created you will be given the option to Add Another Class, View Calendar, Enroll (an existing student), or Quick Reg (add a new student).
You made it to Step 3! To complete the setup for your Policies, the Policy Groups need to be assigned to classes.
You may have a Policy Group that needs to be assigned to all classes, e.g. Default Policies (Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk, Medical Emergencies, and Payment Policies). Depending on your organization, and the programs offered, you may need to assign additional Policy Groups for summer camps, special events, travel teams, competitions, etc.
Add a Policy Group to Classes
- Go to Classes (menu) > All Classes.
- Select the classes that need Policy Groups. Leave the 1st column blank to select all the classes in the grid.
- Click More (icon)
> Add Policy Groups.
- Click in the Select all groups that apply field. The previously created Policy Groups will populate in the list. Select all that apply.
- Click Add. The Policy Groups you selected will be assigned to the classes.
- Use the action links to modify the Policy Group when needed:
- Edit - opens the Edit Policy Group page to make changes.
- Preview - opens a Preview window with a list of the individual policies in the group. Use the link to open the policy for review and to print.
- Print - opens a print window with all the individual policies listed in that Policy Group. There is a place for initials and a signature line on the page.
- Remove - click to remove the Policy Group from the class. The Policy Group remains available in the Policy Group tab located under the Gear icon > Settings > Policies > Policy Groups. This does not delete a Policy Group for future use.
Remove Policy Groups from Classes
Policy Groups can be removed from multiple classes (en masse) or from a single class.
- Remove from Multiple Classes - select the classes to update from the Classes menu > All Classes and click the More icon
> Remove Policy Groups.
- Remove from All Classes - go to the Gear icon > Settings > Policies > Policy Groups tab, click the row menu
for the Policy Group assigned to the class, and select Remove from all classes.
- Remove from a Single Class - open the Class record > Policy Groups tab and click Remove.
Permissions control your Users' ability to see certain data and take specific actions. Before proceeding, review User Permissions for All Classes.
All Classes, located under the Classes menu, generates a list of all active and inactive classes in the All Classes grid. From here, you can access all your class data.
- View optional data visuals for key information at a glance with interactive charts.
- Drill down to specific classes using filters organized in a slide-out filter drawer.
- View classes in a filtered calendar (daily, weekly, or room view) and enroll students.
- Save your favorite view (filters, selected columns, etc.) as your default view.
- Display a list of classes in a powerful grid: you can group, sort, and customize the information.
- Take Action - add/copy classes, enroll students in classes, send messages, archive classes, and apply mass actions to multiple classes.
Sample All Classes Grid
- Breadcrumbs display the currently selected filters (from the Open Filters icon).
- Interactive Data Visuals provide class information at a glance.
- Icons: Open filters (filter drawer), Save as favorite, Favorites, Hide/Show Data Visuals.
- Horizontal Scroll Bar - scroll to view more Data Visuals.
- Icons: Adjust columns, Send a Message, Filtered Calendar, Refresh Grid, Add New Class, More actions (drops down a menu).
- Column Search - enter a term in the search field for each column to locate specific records. For e.g., enter 2023 in the Session Column Search field to find all classes with that Session value.
- Use the Time Selectors to search for classes that start or end during a specified time. For e.g., search for classes that start between 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm or classes that end after a specific time (enter a From date and leave the To field blank).
- Row Menu - use the row menu to perform an action for a single class.
Click the Adjust columnsicon (see #5 above) to squeeze the grid columns closer together. You will be able to see all the columns in the grid.
Data Visuals - Key Information at a Glance
Data visuals (charts) are interactive and provide a quick view of key information about your classes. The elements included in the data visuals are predefined by Jackrabbit.
The All Classes data visuals are interactive and can be hidden. Use the Hide/Show Data visuals icon to toggle back and forth.
Use Filters to Search for Specific Classes
Select the Filter icon to open the Filter Drawer, which houses various criteria to help you drill down to specific classes, for example, to list all classes that have openings for enrollment. You can select multiple filters to narrow the results down further.
Alternatively, you can click on a Data visual to filter the data in the grid.
- Once filters are selected and applied, they will appear in the breadcrumbs. Use the red x next to a filter in the breadcrumbs to clear it and refresh the displayed classes.
- Filters are grouped and organized into sections for ease of use and pull information from the Class record on the various tabs.
- Use the arrow to expand a section to see the filters within, or use the Expand All/Collapse All option at the top of the Filter Drawer.
- Search for a filter by entering a keyword in the search box at the top of the Filter Drawer. For example, enter "enrollment" to quickly locate and select from the Enrollment Details group of filters. Select the filter and click on any field to see a drop-down list to make additional selections. Choose as many filters as needed.
- Select date fields by clicking on the calendar icon or manually enter dates.
Save your Favorite Filtered Grid Views
Save time and effort each time you open a grid page to view your data! After you have applied filters or clicked on a data visual, set the grid column widths, and you can save the filtered data as a Favorite.
Saved favorites can be set as a default view and shared with other Jackrabbit Users in your organization. There is no limit to the number of filtered grid views you can save.
Save a Favorite |
Once filters are selected, it's simple to save your favorite views:
Open a Favorite |
Load or open a saved favorite:
If you opened a saved favorite grid view and would like to make it your default view, resave it as a favorite and toggle the Make this your default view? to the right. Click Save. |
Delete a Favorite |
If you created a Favorite, you will be able to delete it:
Contact Jackrabbit Support if you want to delete a Favorite filtered view created by another User.
View the Classic Class Calendar and Enroll Students
View your classic class calendar in daily, weekly, and room views. Use the calendar to enroll an existing student or register a new student.
- Go to the Classes menu > All Classes, filter as needed, or select a data visual to populate classes in the grid.
- Click the Filtered Calendar icon
and choose how you'd like to view your filtered classes (daily, weekly, room). The calendar defaults to the current day for daily and room views and to the current week in the weekly view.
- The Classic Daily Class Calendar displays a single date's class schedule.
- The Classic Weekly Class Calendar opens a calendar view of your classes by the week.
- The Classic Room View Class Calendar displays a single date's class schedule by room.
- Click on a class in a calendar to open the class information, see the enrolled students, and enroll an existing student or register a new student.
The filtered calendar has checkboxes to Show Students on Hover and Show Full Classes (the latter defaults to checked).
Work with the Information in the Grid (Table)
Jackrabbit grids, located throughout the system, are very powerful and allow you to group and sort your data to customize the way your results are displayed. Each grid has core features, such as grouping data by dragging a column to the grouping bar. Row menus and column menus offer different options depending on the grid.
To learn more about working in our grids, visit our Help article, Work with Reports - Grid Style, where you'll pick up lots of tricks and tidbits like this one:
Take Action for a Single Class
Use the Row Menu (icon)to edit that row and access options for working with an individual class. Click on the icon and a new browser tab or pop-up window will open depending on the action you select.
Click directly on the row menufor the class you want to work with; do not use the checkbox in the 1st column. When any checkboxes (for use with mass actions) are selected in the 1st column, the row menus are deactivated and won't display.
- View/Edit - opens the Class record
- Enroll Student - opens the Find students page to locate students to enroll in the selected class
- Email/Text Class - opens the Email/Text Class page
- Enter Absences - opens the Enter Absences page for the class
- Post Class Transactions - opens the Post Class Transactions page
- Copy Class - opens a window to copy the selected class
- Mass Drop - opens a window to mass drop all the students in the selected class
- Add Note - opens the Add a note pop-up window
- Add Resource - opens the Add a Resource pop-up window
- Archive Class - opens a window to archive the class
Take Action for Multiple Classes (Mass Actions)
Choose one of these options to select classes in the grid and perform a mass action:
- Select all classes - leave all checkboxes in the first column clear and all classes in the grid selected across all pages. You will be able to Send a Message (email, text, or push notification), Add a New Class, and perform all the mass actions in the drop-down list, including Print and Export to Excel.
- Select one or more classes - select the checkboxes for individual classes in the first column to Send a Message and to perform mass updates to the selected classes.
- Current classes displayed on the page (max. 250/page) - select the checkbox in the first column header.
![]() |
Send a Message - Choose to send an email, push notification, or text message to chosen recipients in the selected records, e.g., Primary Contacts only or Primary, Billing, and Other Contacts.
![]() |
Add Absences - Opens an Add Absences window where you can create absences for multiple classes at once. Refer to Enter Student Absences from the All Classes Grid for more information. Note: This option is hidden when your Jackrabbit system is set to track attendance. |
Add Note - Opens an Add a note window. Create the note, add a Title, compose the contents of the note for the selected classes, include tags (if needed), and click Add. A new note is added to the class records selected. To modify notes you have to open the individual class record to make an edit or delete. Refer to Notes in Jackrabbit for more information about notes. | |
Add Policy Groups - Opens the Add Policy Groups window. Click in the Begin typing... field and select from the list to add Policy Groups to the selected classes. Refer to Legal Policies & Policy Groups for more information. | |
Add Resource - Opens the Add a Resource window. Enter the Name of the resource, define the Audience, choose the Resource location (upload or select a link to the resource), and click Add. This will add a resource to the class records selected in the grid. To modify an added resource you have to open the individual class record to make an edit or delete. Refer to Resources in Jackrabbit for more information. | |
Remove Policy Groups - Opens the Remove all policy groups window for the selected classes. | |
Mass Drop - Opens a Mass Drop Students window. Complete the details in the window, select a Reason from the drop-down list*, add a Note (if applicable), and click Drop. This will drop the students from the selected classes. *Note: To create the drop-down list, go to the Gear icon > Settings > Users & Permissions > Drop-down Lists (left menu) > Student (left menu) > Drop Reason. | |
Mass Edit - Opens the Edit Classes page. Use the top row to make global changes to the selected classes in the grid or edit individual classes as needed on the page. Click Save Changes. | |
Export to Excel - Downloads an Excel file of all the filtered information in the grid to your computer. It is only available when the checkboxes remain unselected in the first column, and all classes in the grid will be included. | |
Print - Opens a print window to print the class information shown in the grid (max. 250 items/page) or save it as a file for future use. The print option is only available when the checkboxes remain unselected in the first column. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How can I search for classes with openings?
A. Go to the Classes (menu) > All Classes and use the top scrollbar to scroll over to the Classes with Openings data visual. Click the large blue number (that's the number of classes with openings) and all classes with openings will display in the grid.
The Send Message iconcan be used to send emails, text messages, and push notifications (through the Jackrabbit Plus mobile app) to a single class or to multiple classes.
The most efficient way to edit multiple classes at once is to use the Edit Classes page. There are a few options to access this page and make updates to classes:
- Classes (menu) > Edit All Classes
- Classes (menu) > All Classes
Expand the sections below for more information on editing multiple classes.
Edit Classes from the Classes (menu) > Edit All Classes
- Change out the instructor on several classes when a new instructor is assigned to them by filtering for only Classes with Instructor (current instructor) and then using the Global Change (yellow) area to select the new instructor.
- Block online registration for multiple classes by filtering for only Classes with Allow Online Registration (Yes) and then using the Global Change (yellow) area to change them all to = No.
- Edit the Virtual Class Link & Virtual Class Text for the selected classes using either the Global Change area (if all links are the same for all classes) or the individual fields for specific classes.
Edit all of the selected classes at once using the Global Change row (highlighted yellow) or work through changes to specific classes all from one screen.
- Go to the Classes (menu) > Edit All Classes and use the available Search Criteria to select classes.
- Click Submit.
- Update and make edits on the Edit Classes page.
- If there are enough classes that multiple pages are available (more than 50), click the Show All button to place all results on one page.
- To edit some (but not all) classes in the list, use the drop-down fields in each class row and make changes as needed.
- To edit all the classes selected at once, use the Global Change area (yellow row). Note: If there are more than 50 classes that meet your search criteria, select Show All before making global changes.
- When you use the Global Change area (yellow highlighted section), you will get a pop-up asking if you want to set each value to the global value. Choose OK. This will then populate the global values into every class below.
- If there are enough classes that multiple pages are available (more than 50), click the Show All button to place all results on one page.
- Click Save Changes when done.
Edit Classes from the Classes (menu) > All Classes
- Go to the Classes (menu) > All Classes.
- Choose one of these options to select the classes you would like to edit:
- Select all classes in the grid - leave the checkboxes in the 1st column of the grid unchecked to select all classes in the grid.
- Select specific classes in the grid - in the 1st column of the grid, select the checkboxes for the classes you want to edit.
- Click the More (icon)
> Mass Edit to open the Edit Classes page.
- Update and make edits on the Edit Classes page.
- If there are enough classes that multiple pages are available (more than 50), click the Show All button to place all results on one page.
- To edit some (but not all) classes in the list, use the drop-down fields in each class row and make changes as needed.
- To edit all of the classes selected at once, use the Global Change area (yellow row). Note: If there are more than 50 classes that meet your search criteria, select Show All before making global changes.
- When you use the Global Change area (yellow highlighted section), you will get a pop-up asking if you want to set each value to the global value. Choose OK. This will then populate the global values into every class below.
- If there are enough classes that multiple pages are available (more than 50), click the Show All button to place all results on one page.
- Click Save Changes when done.
It's easy to copy classes in Jackrabbit!
- Go to the Classes menu > All Classes and search for the class you want to copy (filter classes as needed).
- Select one of these options:
- Click the Class Name link to open the Class record and click the Copy Class button.
Or- Click the row menu
for the class to copy, and select Copy Class.
- Enter the applicable information in the Copy Class pop-up window:
- Enter a New Class Name.
- In the Copy Enrollment? field, choose Yes or No. Choosing Yes will copy all existing enrolled students into the duplicated class. Future Drops and Makeups are not copied forward.
- If you choose to copy enrollment, select an Enroll Type for the new class enrollment. The default setting is (Keep Existing Values), which preserves the Enroll Type associated with the enrollment in the original session.
- In the Copy Skills field, choose Yes or No. Choosing Yes will copy all existing skills information into the duplicated class.
- In the Copy Costumes field, choose Yes or No. Choosing Yes will copy all existing costume information into the duplicated class.
- In the Copy Resources field, choose Yes or No. Choosing Yes will copy all existing resource information into the duplicated class.
- In the Copy Virtual Class/Video field, choose Yes or No. Choosing Yes will copy all existing virtual class/video information into the duplicated class.
- In the Copy Policy Groups required field, choose Yes or No. Choosing Yes will copy all existing policy groups into the duplicated class. Note: This is a required field; it defaults to blank.
- Click Save. The duplicate class displays.
- Make changes applicable to the duplicate class and Save Changes.
Any class that was previously archived and restored will not have Policy Groups associated with it. Be sure to go to the Policy Groups tab in the Class record of the new class you created and add the Policy Groups.
Copy Class Session (from the Classes menu > Copy Classes) will assist you in setting up a new session by copying multiple classes from one session into another.
Copy Class Session is the second step in transitioning between sessions. Use it after you have created a drop-down value for the new session.
Search Criteria
Use the Search Criteria to select the classes you want to copy into your new session. The Session criteria is a required field; all other criteria are optional.
- To copy all active classes from the selected session, leave Status as Active (the default) and the optional fields blank.
- Drill down to groups of classes from the selected session to copy using the optional criteria. For example, use the Class Category drop-down menus to copy only the classes from a specific Category 1, Category 2, or Category 3.
- To copy specific classes, select them from the Classes drop-down menu.
New Class Settings
In the New Class Settings section, specify the settings for the new classes you are creating and select which class information you want to copy into them. The fields New Session, New Class Start Date, and Copy Policy Groups are required to create the new classes.
- The New Class Start Date, New Class End Date, and New Class Registration Start Date fields are automatically populated with the dates associated with the session as defined in the Drop-down List Editor (Gear icon > Settings > General). However, they can be edited here if you choose. Changes made here will not affect the dates in the Drop-down List Editor.
- If there is no end date for the classes you are copying, leave the New Class End Date blank.
- Indicate whether you want to copy the original classes' Instructors, Skills, Costumes, Resources, and Virtual Class/Video into the new classes. These fields all default to No; change this to Yes for any details you want to copy.
- Select whether you want to copy Policy Groups (required).
Option: Copy Enrollment?
If students (or students within a program) typically stay together within a class from session to session, you can opt to copy the student enrollment into the new classes.
- If you choose to copy enrollment, select an Enroll Type for the new class enrollment. The default setting is (Keep Existing Values), which preserves the Enroll Type associated with the enrollment in the original session.
- Indicate whether you want to Copy Future Enrollments or Copy Wait Lists from the old classes into the new classes.
- Select an Enroll Date for new class enrollment (will default to the current date). Note: When a future date is used, a warning will display to advise you that you cannot post tuition fees until that date because the students are not enrolled in the new classes until then.
Deleting a class completely deletes it from your organization's system, and it cannot be retrieved. Use caution when deleting classes. Jackrabbit recommends that you archive classes instead.
Delete a Class
- Make sure that the class has no enrolled students. If students are enrolled in the class to be deleted, they must be dropped first (use the Drop link or Mass Drop).
- Click the red Delete button in the Class to delete the class permanently.
- In the pop-up box, you'll be offered the option to archive the Class. Unless the class was created in error, you should click the Archive Class button and follow the archiving steps.
- If the class was created in error and needs to be permanently deleted, click the Delete Class button.
- In the pop-up warning window, This will delete the class. Are you sure?, click OK.
Class Sessions are important as they create 'time frames' for comparative analysis reporting. A session can cover an entire year or specific parts of a year (i.e., season) and is defined in the Drop-down List Editor with a start date, an end date, and a registration start date.
- Studios and schools that run perpetually should create Class Sessions; it can be as simple as by the calendar year, which would allow you to look at the difference year over year in many areas, including financial and enrollment.
- Convenient automatic posting of tuition during Online Registration! Assign the Tuition Billing Cycle of By Session to your classes, and Jackrabbit will do the math based on your settings, discount rules, and/or proration.
- Examples of sessions: 2020 (calendar year); 2020/2021 (school year); Winter 2021 (season/quarter year)
- Run concurrent sessions so that students can choose to attend one or more sessions.
We strongly recommend you limit the Session Start/End dates for your Sessions to no more than 365 days. Sessions that exceed 365 days in length will not display as an option in the drop-downs when you go to post your tuition fees.
Add Session Drop-Down Values
- Go to the Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists (left menu).
- Select Session (left menu), in the Class section.
- Click Add Row to add a class session. Add the Session Name.
- When naming your sessions, shorter names will create shorter drop-down values, which will reduce word-wrapping on your screens and reports.
- Optionally assign Start/End/Registration Start dates for the new session.
- When you assign a Session to a Class, that class will inherit the Start and End Dates you specify here. Don’t worry, these dates can be changed on individual classes if needed.
- Mark a session value Hide from customers if you want to prevent that session drop-down value from appearing to the parent when registering via your website or Parent Portal. This can be helpful for sessions created for internal use only or for sessions that are no longer current.
Hiding the Session value from customers does NOT hide the classes in that session; it only prevents your customers from being able to filter using that Session value.
- Check the Hide from users box to prevent a session from appearing in the drop-down lists in your system or online. Over time you may find you have numerous past class sessions and don't need all of them to display in your Session drop-down choices.
- Click Save Changes.
Transition Completed Classes into a New Session
Using sessions makes transitioning your classes from one session to another super easy! Copy Classes and Edit All Classes are great tools to help you populate your new session with classes in minutes. You may have nuances specific to your organization but you can check out our Help article Transition to a New Session to walk through the process.
After your new session is created, you will have two 'sets of classes'. You may choose to switch your new session to have a class status of Future until you are ready to begin taking registrations and enrollments.
Once the classes in your ‘old’ session have ended and all related fees have been posted, you can Archive those classes to keep a clean house!
For organizations that run perpetual or ongoing classes, using Sessions may not be the best solution. Contact our Support Team to discuss what's best for your business.
Toward the end of one session, and before a new session begins, there may be a time when both sessions are active in your Jackrabbit system (because the old session is still in progress but enrollment has begun for the new session).
Follow these steps to maintain two sessions simultaneously and ultimately archive the old session.
![]() | We recommend downloading, printing, and reviewing the Transition to a New Class Session Checklist. |
Step 1 - Create the New Session Drop-down
To begin transitioning from your current session to a new session you must first create a new session drop-down using Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists (left menu) > Class > Session. See Class Sessions for more details.
The current session is Spring 2019, and your organization will soon begin registration for your summer classes. Create a new session drop-down named Summer 2019.
Step 2 - Copy Class Session
If the classes you need to copy are currently archived, restore them before continuing with this step.
If the new sessions' classes will be similar, use Classes > Copy Classes to copy an entire session to another session. Enrollment can be copied at this time as well if applicable.
Step 3 - Edit New Classes
Once you have copied the classes into the new session, you may have changes that need to be made to class details.
Make edits to the new session classes as needed using Classes > Edit All Classes.
Step 4 - Archive Old Session
Once the older session has been completed and all tuition fees have been posted in that session, archive the old session using Classes > Archive Classes. This will place the class(es) into 'hibernation'.
New Session Recommendations
In addition to the steps outlined above to prepare and create a new session, we recommend you review and clean up your system before you start a new session.
Clear Absences | If your organization tracks absences, you may offer makeups for your students. Some organizations require that makeup classes be scheduled during the same session as the absence. In this case, once a session is over you can contact Support to have absences, prior to a given date, cleared from your system. This will help you and your parents (via the Parent Portal) view only absences related to your upcoming/current session. Before you have your absences cleared by Support, it is beneficial to run an Absences-Makeup Report to save for the time period being cleared. This will allow you to refer back to ‘old’ absences if needed without keeping the data in your system. |
Update Student Grade Levels | Jackrabbit will not automatically update a student’s grade level from year to year; however, you can do a mass update if you are not using custom grade levels. If you use custom grade levels, teachers can gather this information in the first few weeks of a new session by making notes on printed class rolls. |
Student Sizes & Costumes | You may want to clear out your student sizes and old costumes. Children can grow quickly so it is best to start fresh and collect new measurements for all students. Contact Support to have these sizes and costumes cleared all at once! |
Clear User-defined Fields | If you are using User-defined fields to collect session-specific information (i.e. recital participation), you will want to mass clear these fields so you can collect the information for your new session. |
Clear Fixed Fees | Fixed fees are usually specific to a particular session and or enrollment. Once you have posted the final tuition fees for the session, it is a great idea to mass clear fixed fees in preparation for your new session. Refer to Family Fixed Fees and Student Fixed fees for additional information and how to manage fixed fees. |
Move Families to the Lead File | We recommend you move families that have been inactive for at least 18 months to the Lead File. This archives the inactive families and keeps your system up-to-date. Since Jackrabbit's monthly subscription is based on total students (inactive and active), sending inactive families to the Lead File can help lower your monthly cost. Jackrabbit gives you the option to mass archive families or individually archive families to the lead file. |
After archiving a session you can opt to make the drop-down value for that session hidden in the Drop-down List Editor from Gear (icon) > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists (left menu) > Sessions. See our Help article Class Sessions for more information.
When a class is complete, and you've posted all tuition and fees, it needs to be archived. A class remains active until archived, even if the End Date passes. Archiving a class changes the class Status to Inactive and moves a student's enrollment from the Current Enrollment to the Past Enrollment section of the Student record.
Note: Students in archived classes do not appear as dropped in the Enrollment Detail report because they are not true drops.
- Update class enrollment to Past Enrollment and automatically drop all students enrolled in the class at once.
- Archive to organize your class list and show only active classes in your Class Listing Tables and Parent Portal.
- Access statistical enrollment data for future use.
Ready to archive a class? You can archive a single class or a group of classes at once. Even if a class is archived, you can email the class without restoring it.
After you archive a class, you can restore it, and this will restore any waitlisted students.
If you use the Recital feature, archive the class after you complete all recital communications, including sending a DVD. Archiving a class removes Recital Participation designations and cannot be restored. We recommend you export an Enrollment Detail report to keep a record.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What happens to the transactions for a family when I archive a class?
A. All transaction history remains the same. Archiving classes does not impact Student or Family information.
Q. Can I post tuition to an archived class?
A. Once a class is archived, tuition cannot be posted to a class through Transactions > Post Tuition Fees.
Q. If I restore a class that had future enrollment when it was archived, will the future enrollment be restored as well?
A. Yes. Restoring a class will also restore any future enrollment.
Q. How can I find an archived class and the date it was archived?
A. The List Archived Classes report is used to locate the archived classes. Select the class from the report results, and scroll down to the lower left to see the Last Updated Date, Date Created, Class ID, and the Date Archived.
Archived Classes can be restored to their original status if needed. Restoring a class also restores the enrollment for the class.
- Go to the Classes (menu) > Class Reports > List Archived Classes.
- Click on List Archived Classes.
- Use the Search Criteria to narrow down the results.
- Run the report with no selected criteria to view all archived classes.
- Use the search field in the Class column to locate a specific class.
- Restore an individual class by clicking the Restore link to the far right of the specific class.
- Restore multiple classes by checking the boxes to the left of each class and clicking the Restore Checked Classes button.
- Restore all classes by checking the All checkbox and clicking the Restore Checked Classes button. (If classes take up several pages, be sure to click Show All before checking the All checkbox.)
Want to practice what you've just learned? Great!
- Go to and log in with the credentials below for your Jackrabbit edition.
- Go through some or all of the practice scenarios below as they apply to you.
![]() |
Edition | User ID | Password |
Cheer | LMSCheer | Training1 |
Class | LMSClass | Training1 |
Dance | LMSDance | Training1 |
Music | LMSMusic | Training1 |
Swim | LMSSwim | Training1 |
The Practice Database is refreshed each day at approximately 5:00 am Eastern Standard Time. Anything you enter will be erased at that time.
Add a Class.
Classes Menu
- Point to the Classes in the menu bar and click Add Class.
- In the Add Class box enter a Class Name.
- Complete the fields as appropriate and click Save.
Weekly Calendar
Open the Weekly Calendar by clicking the Weekly Calendar button from the Executive Dashboard or the Calendar link to the right of the Global Search fields on the top of every screen in Jackrabbit.
- You can double click in the time slot and day of the week for the new class to open the Add Class popup and complete the fields as appropriate.
- You can select the Add Class button at the top of the Weekly Calendar and complete the fields as appropriate.
When you have worked through all of the articles outlined in the lesson, select the Take the Quiz button to be taken to the Lesson #7 Quiz where you can test your understanding of the concepts in this lesson. You will be asked to enter an email address for quiz results to be sent. The quiz includes a Review question.
Quiz #7 - Work with Classes
Number of Questions | Total Possible Points | Points Needed for an "A" | Points Needed for a "B" | Points Needed for a "C" |
9 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 |
Return to Supervisors and Managers Menu to continue to next lesson
Click here to provide feedback for this lesson
Review the articles below if they apply to your organization.
- Add Skills/Levels to Classes
- Per-Day / Multiple Meeting Classes
- Private Lessons
- A Simple Way to Add Multiple Private Lessons
- Class Sign In/Out Sheets
- Lesson Plans - Overview
- Create a Master Lesson Plan
- Copy a Master Lesson Plan Into a Class
- Add a Lesson Plan Directly to a Class
Once you have created your skills/levels you can add them to classes. When a skill/level is added to a class, it (and any subskills) are added to the enrolled students. If a student already has the skill/level on their record it will not be added again.
Add a Skill/Level to an Individual Class
- Go to the Class record and select the Skills/Levels tab.
- Click Add Skill/Level To Class.
- Select Skill/Level using the drop-down menu or use the search field to locate the skill/level.
- Enter the Date Training Started. Note: If the skill/level has not been started you can leave this field blank.
- Enter a Date Due, Date Tested, and Date Attained if applicable.
- Select which Students you want to add the skill/level to.
- Click Save & Add Another or Save Changes.
Add Multiple Skills/Levels to Multiple Classes
- Go to the Classes (menu) > Skills > Add to Classes.
- Use the [+] to Select the Skills/Levels to add to classes.
- Use the [+] to Select the Active Classes to add the skills/levels.
- Click Save Changes.
Refer to Settings for Staff Portal Skills/Levels for options to display student skills in the Staff Portal.
Delete Skills/Levels on the Manage Skills/Level page (Classes menu > Skills > Manage Skills/Levels). Click on the Trash Can icon next to the skill/level you wish to delete. The skill and all of its subskills will be removed.
- If the skill/level being deleted has already been added to a class, it will also be removed from the Class record.
- If a student has previously been assigned that skill/level, it will be retained in their Student record.
Do you want all skills and subskills deleted from your students and classes? Contact Support for assistance.
Delete a Skill from a Student
To delete a single skill from the student, go to the Student's record > Skills/Levels tab and click the Trash Can icon next to the skill/level you wish to delete. The skill and all of its subskills will be removed and no longer appear on the Student record or Class record.
Per-Day classes in Jackrabbit are classes that meet at the same time on multiple days during the week and students are allowed to schedule which days they will attend. This is common practice in martial arts, summer camps, and for some team and workout situations.
Jackrabbit does not yet have the ability to schedule classes for different times. Classes that are offered at different times of the day must be created as individual classes. An easy way to do this is using the Copy Class feature.
Add a Per-Day Class
- Point to Classes (menu) > Add Class.
- Enter a class name in the Enter Class Name field. Multi-location organizations should also select a Location from the Location drop-down. Continue to enter the required fields.
- Click Save. A new page opens with the class you just created.
- Go to the Summary (tab) and Set Per-Day to Yes.
- Once saved with Per-Day set to Yes, a new table for the per-day tuition fees will display on the Class Summary tab.
The 1 Day field contains the tuition fee that a student pays if attending the class once per week. The 2 Days field contains the total tuition required for the student to attend class twice per week, etc. Example above: Class meets 5 times per week, the first 2 days are $15 per day, and each subsequent class is $10 (discounted by $5). 1 Day=$15, 2 Days=$30 [2 x $15], 3 Days=$40 [ (2 x $15) + $10], etc.
- Once saved with Per-Day set to Yes, a new table for the per-day tuition fees will display on the Class Summary tab.
- Continue adding class details as per the guidelines in the Class Fields Explained table.
- Click Save Changes.
Note that the Class Enroll List tab now contains checkboxes for each day of the week. This indicates which days were chosen during enrollment. There is also an openings number for each day of the week indicating the number of openings available for each class day. This is also displayed on the class listings and openings reports. Class rolls are also printed out for each day the class meets.
If a student is signed up for a per-day class, only a Jackrabbit User can add additional days. Additional days can not be added in the Parent Portal.
Recurring private lessons (the private lesson meets the same day/time each week and has the same enrollment each meeting) can be set up the same way as regular classes, except the MaxSize should be set to 1.
One-time private lessons can be set up as an Event. See the Events topic for details.
Create a Private Lesson as a Class
- Point to Classes (menu) > All Classes > Add Class.
- Enter a class name in the Enter Class Name field. Multi-location organizations should also select a Location from the Location drop-down. Save Changes.
- Enter the appropriate information in the Add Class window using the guidelines in Class Fields Explained. Be sure to set the class MaxSize to 1.
- Select one of the button options to complete adding the private lesson/class:
- Save
- Save & Add New Class
- Save & Copy Class
Private Lesson Naming Examples & Tips
- Class names should be kept under 25-30 characters and should provide a description of what they are and when they meet. The class name can be changed at any time by editing the Class Name field on the Class record.
- Avoid the use of special characters such as * & ! @ or "" as these can interfere with your Online Class Listings tables.
- Jackrabbit sorts classes alphabetically and searches begin from the starting character.
Private Class Name Examples
If an instructor teaches only one instrument:
- Piano - Tues - Lisa - 3pm (when viewing the order is Instrument/Day/Instructor/Time)
- Tues - Lisa - Piano 3pm (when viewing the order is Day/Instructor/Instrument/Time)
If an instructor teaches multiple instruments:
- Tues - Lisa - 3pm (when viewing the order is Day/Instructor/Time)
- Lisa - Tues - 3pm (when viewing the order is Instructor/Day/Time)
Tips for Creating Private Lessons as Classes
- Use the Copy Class button on the Class Page to quickly copy classes with only minor differences.
- Always set MaxSize to 1 for a Private Lesson. If the MaxSize is set to 1, Jackrabbit's Classic Weekly Class Calendar will display the enrolled student's name rather than the class name if the class has enrollment. This makes it visually easier for organizations to read private lesson calendar details. Also, if a student is absent on a specific day, the calendar class label will revert back to the class name for the absence date only.
- To print a private class roll for an Instructor or for multiple Instructors, go to
Staff > Staff Reports (Staff Tab > Instructor Schedules). - See Import Data to Create Private Lessons for an alternative way to quickly and efficiently add multiple classes at once.
Creating private lesson slots can be time-consuming if your organization has a large number of private lessons each week. Here is a great way to streamline this process using an Excel spreadsheet!
Add Classes using the Importer Spreadsheet
- Go to the Gear icon > Set Up > Import Data.
- Click the Jackrabbit Importer Spreadsheet link to download the spreadsheet.
- Download the Excel template and save the file to your computer. Locate the file on your computer and open it.
- Click the Class List tab (at the bottom). Very Important: Do not remove or change the order of any of the columns.
- Fill in a row with class details.
- For recurring private lesson classes use the exact End Date for the class.
- For makeups set the End Date to the next day.
- Enter the Class Name in whatever format you typically use. For example, if you typically create a class as Ms. Lisa-PVT-Tu 1pm, enter it as TName-PVT-Tu 1pm. TName will become a placeholder that you can later replace with each instructor's name.
- Copy the row for as many time slots as you need. For example, if you are open 12 - 8 pm, Monday - Friday, and offer lessons every half hour, you'd need 80 rows (16 per day x 5 days). If you use the Day & Time in your Class Name, be sure to edit each Class Name field to the correct day & time. We recommend you copy/paste the Session and Category 1, 2, and/or 3 values from the Gear icon > Settings > General > Edit Drop-down Lists (left menu).
- Save the Excel file.
- Go back to the Jackrabbit Importer Spreadsheet under the Gear icon > Set Up > Import Data and click Browse. Select the Excel file you just completed.
- Click Import. A successful import will indicate the number of rows imported properly.
- Use the find a class... global search above the main menu to search for the common name you have used for all the private classes, for example, PVT, as above. The classes you imported will be displayed in the class list.
- Update each class as needed.
Use the Classes > Edit All Classes feature to edit settings on multiple classes on a single page. You can easily find the classes you just imported by searching for classes with a Class Name = PVT.
See our Help article on Edit Multiple Classes at Once for step-by-step instructions on how to use this powerful, time-saving feature.
Update Class Names in the Importer Spreadsheet
Reopen the same file and save it with a new name. If you use the instructor name in your Class Name, you can easily replace the TName placeholder using the Find and Replace function.
- Click on the first class in your Excel sheet and hold down Ctrl and the F key (Command + F key on a Mac).
- Click the Replace tab in the Find and Replace window and enter TName in the Find what field.
- Enter an instructor’s name in the Replace with field and click Replace.
- Continue to click Replace, moving through the Class Name fields until you have updated all classes for that instructor. You can use the Find Next button to skip over a class or classes.
- Enter another instructor’s name in the Replace with field and repeat the steps above to update classes for this instructor. Continue for each instructor until all classes are updated.
- Save your file regularly.
- Go back to the Jackrabbit Importer Spreadsheet under the Gear icon > Set Up > Import Data when your spreadsheet is complete, and click Browse. Select the Excel file you just completed.
- Click Import. A successful import will indicate the number of rows imported properly.
- Locate your saved file using the Choose File button and click Import. A successful import will indicate the number of rows imported properly.
Your new classes may need some updating. Use the Edit All Classes feature to edit settings on multiple classes on one screen. You can easily find the classes you just imported by searching for classes with a Class Status = blank. See our Help article on Edit Multiple Classes at Once for step-by-step instructions on how to use this powerful, time-saving feature.
Be sure to select Show All (if there are more than 50 classes that meet your search criteria) before making global changes.
Our Imports team is happy to help with the importing process as needed. Contact for assistance!
Sign In/Sign Out Sheets allow students to manually sign in and out on a specific date.
- Point to the Classes (menu) > Class Reports.
- Click Sign In/Out Sheets.
- Select a group of classes using any combination of Search Criteria or select a single class.
- Select Display Settings, including a sub-heading and whether the home phone should display. Additional settings allow you to sort in class start time order, create a separate sheet for each class, and you can also opt to add columns for your staff to initial when they sign a student in or out of class during the course of the day.
- Click Submit.
- Print the Sign In/Out Sheet using the Print button or export it using the Export button.
Lesson Plans are a great way to provide your instructors with guidelines to help them run successful classes.
- Set clear well-defined expectations for classes.
- Create and copy Master Lesson Plans into a Class record or create a Lesson Plan directly in a Class record.
- Allow your instructors to view Lesson Plans in the Staff Portal.
Create a Master Lesson Plan
Master Lesson Plans are created, edited, and deleted as follows:
- Go to the Classes (menu) > Master Lesson Plans.
- Click Add Lesson Plan. Name the Lesson Plan and enter a Description.
- Click Save Changes. When prompted, click OK.
Add Items to a Lesson Plan
- Select and click the Lesson Plan name.
- Click Create New Lesson Plan Item. In the pop-up window, add item Name, Theme, Description, and Order.
- Click Save. Continue adding Lesson Plan items until the Master Lesson Plan is complete.
- Click Save Changes.
Copy a Master Lesson Plan into a Class
- Go to the Classes (menu) > All Classes to choose the correct class or use the global search for find a class... on the top of the page.
- Click the Lesson Plan tab.
- Click Copy Master Lesson Plan. In the Copy Master Plan box, choose the applicable Master Lesson Plan.
- Click Save and OK. The Master Lesson Plan you added will show in the Class.
Note: Instructor-specific Dates, Instructor Comments, and Order can be added as needed. - Click Save Changes.
Add a Lesson Plan Directly to a Class
- Go to the Classes (menu). Search and select the correct class.
- Click the Lesson Plan tab.
- Click the Add Lesson Plan button.
- Add applicable items: Date, Lesson Name/Theme, Description, Instructor Comments, and Order.
- Click Save Changes.
The Jackrabbit Staff Portal provides a secure place for your staff to view Lesson Plans for their classes.
- Guarantee staff members are aware of class guidelines and expectations.
- Updates made to Lesson Plans are immediately visible in the Staff Portal.
Staff Portal Settings
Two Staff Portal settings must be set to Yes to enable your staff to view Lesson Plans in their Staff Portal:
- Staff (menu) > Staff Portal > Portal Settings
- Staff (menu) > Staff Portal > Edit All Staff Settings
Set Portal Settings
Go to the Staff (menu) > Staff Portal > Portal Settings > Staff Portal Settings > Features. Select Lesson Plans and set Allow Remote Lesson Plans to Yes. Remember to always Save Changes.
Set Edit All Staff Portal Settings
- Go to Staff (menu) > Staff Portal > Edit All Staff Settings.
- Select the Staff you would like to edit.
- Scroll down to Manage Classes Tab and set Allow staff person to view lesson plans to Yes.
- Click Save. Once saved, changes will be automatically updated under the Staff menu in the Portal Settings tab for each individual staff member that was modified.
An individual staff member's setting can be changed under the Staff Menu. Go to Staff menu > Active Staff (select a Staff Member) > Portal Settings (tab) > Manage Classes Tab (section) > Allow staff person to view lesson plans set to Yes.
View Lesson Plans in the Staff Portal
- Log in to the Staff Portal.
- Click on Manage Classes.
- Click Lesson Plans under Actions. You will only see the Lesson Plans button when Lesson Plans have been created and are assigned to a class.
- Review the Lesson Plan. This includes the Date (when Lesson Plan was added to the class), Lesson Name, Theme, Description, Instructor Comments, and Order. The Lesson Plans are view only in the Staff Portal.
When you have worked through all of the articles outlined in the lesson, select the Take the Quiz button to be taken to the Lesson #7 Quiz where you can test your understanding of the concepts in this lesson. You will be asked to enter an email address for quiz results to be sent. The quiz includes a Review question.
Quiz - Optional #7 - Work with Classes Topics
Number of Questions | Total Possible Points | Points Needed for an "A" | Points Needed for a "B" | Points Needed for a "C" |
12 | 12 | 10 | 9 | 8 |