Navigate in Jackrabbit

Let us take you on a tour of your Jackrabbit system!

Executive Dashboard

When you log in to Jackrabbit, the first thing you'll see is the Executive Dashboard. 

The Executive Dashboard empowers you with key metrics, data visualizations, alerts, and more. Dive deeper with quick and easy access to related reports. 

Familiarize yourself with the features that are explained in the Help section titled The Executive Dashboard.

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar, which is located on every screen, organizes Jackrabbit's main functions. Point your cursor to a menu name to see the menu item's choices.

  1. Return to the Executive Dashboard
  2. Quick Search Fields
  3. Open the Weekly Calendar
  4. Open a new browser window with another Jackrabbit screen
  5. Sign out of Jackrabbit
  6. Gear icon - used to access system settings
  7. Access the Help page
  8. Access the Resource Center using the Bullhorn icon (the number in the green circle indicates new information is posted)

Weekly Calendar

The Weekly Calendar button on the Executive Dashboard opens a calendar view of your classes by week. This is your class command center and allows you to manage almost all areas of your classes from one screen!

See The Weekly Calendar for more details.

Quick Search Fields

Jackrabbit has two Quick Search fields. We also refer to them as Global Search boxes.

  • find a family...  Search for family name, email, home, or cell phone. 
  • find a class... Search for active classes. Use the * symbol to do a wildcard search.

When searching for an email address, be sure to include the @ symbol. This is how Jackrabbit knows you are looking for an email address.

See Search for Information in your Database for more details.


Buttons are found throughout Jackrabbit. Click a button to perform a specific action or open another screen.


Tabs are located on family, student, class, and staff pages in Jackrabbit. Tabs are separate areas of organization. For example, click the Billing Info tab in a Family record to display a screen specific to the family's billing details.


Links are shortcuts to related records. They are displayed in blue text; once a link has been clicked, it will be displayed in purple.


Drop-down menus are indicated by a down arrow. When you click on the down arrow, a list of choices displays (drops down).

In the Customize Drop-down Lists article, you'll learn how to customize drop-down menus specifically for your organization.