Revenue Summary Report

The Revenue Summary report displays revenue organized by Category 1, 2, and 3.

Access the report from the Reports menu > Find Reports using a Keyword Search of "revenue."

  • View and assess revenue by Class/Event Location.
  • Compare revenue collected with related enrollments.
  • Analyze discounts given over a specified date range.

Search Criteria

Use the Search Criteria to narrow results down to the specific payments you want to view.  

  • To report all revenue, leave all fields blank.
  • Use the Class Session, Category 1, and Select Class fields to drill down to a specific group of classes.
  • Define the range of time to include in the report.
Search Criteria When Using Multiple Business Locations

When you use multiple Business Locations in Jackrabbit, you can report revenue based on the location.

  • The default, No, show me all transactions, includes all revenue.
  • To view revenue based on the location of class (fee location) as defined on the Summary tab of the Class record, select Limit results to fees from certain locations.
  • To view revenue based on the location of the family (payment location) as defined on the Summary tab of the Family record, select Limit results to payments from certain locations.

Display Settings

 Use the Display Settings to further customize your report.

  • Optionally, add a Subheading that will appear beneath the report title.
  • By default, revenue that has not been associated with a specific class/event will be included in the report. To omit those transactions, change this to No.
  • Show Refunds defaults to Yes; change this to No to exclude refund transactions.
  • Show Charitable Donations defaults to No; change this to Yes to include any charitable donations you have collected.
  • Several report formats are available; the default is PDF.

Report Results

Several report formats offer further opportunities to customize your report, for example, in Excel or Word. Other formats are display only (PDF) or designed for ease of sharing (HTML).

Example report format-  PDF