The Reports Menu

Jackrabbit offers great flexibility in reporting with over 100 reports for families, students, classes, staff, enrollment, financial information, and more. All reports can be accessed from the Reports menu.

There are a few different ways for you to navigate through the reports to find the one you are looking for:

  • Report Categories & Tabs
Reports are organized into categories based on the area of Jackrabbit they relate to.
  • Find Reports
Search by keyword to locate your report.
  • My Reports 
Customize your Reports menu to create quick and easy access to your most frequently used reports.

Report Categories & Tabs

Visible from Find Reports, report categories group related reports together. Additional tabs provide further breakdowns within each category.

 Note: Reports may be found in more than one category or within multiple tabs in a category.

Find Reports

Find Reports, from the Reports menu, opens a Keyword Search.

There are three ways a keyword is matched to a report:

  • Keyword Match - The keyword matches a tag that Jackrabbit developers add to reports.
  • Desc. Match - The keyword appears in the report description viewable when hovering over the report title.
  • Title - The keyword appears in the title of the report.

My Reports

Choose your most frequently used reports and save them as My Reports! When you click on the Reports (menu) > My Reports a new page opens and all selected reports are displayed with red hearts.

In addition, once a report is a designated My Report, it will be added to the Reports menu and you can select it from the Reports menu list. 

  • Each User ID selects and saves their own group of reports. 
  • There is no limit to the number of My Reports you can add to the menu list.
  • If you no longer want the report to be listed under My Reports, just click on the red heart to change it back to an outlined heart.

Find a Report

  1. Go to the Reports (menu) > Find Reports.
  2. Type in a Keyword Search term to find a specific report. Additionally, you can click on a category in the left menu to open a list of reports related to that category.
  3. Hover over the report title to see a brief report description.
    • Click on the outlined heartat the end of the report name and the heart turns red. This means it has been selected as a frequently used report and has been added to your My Reports list.
  4. Click on the report to open.

Add a Report to the Reports Menu

  1. Go to the Reports (menu) > Add Report.

  2. Select a report from the All Reports list. Or click a category from the left menu to filter reports under a specific category.

  3. Click on the outlined heartat the end of the report name and the heart turns red. The report has been added to your My Reports list.
  • Once you have selected a report as a frequently used report and added a red heart, it will appear under the Reports menu.

  • Click on My Reports or select one of the saved reports in your personalized list to open and run a report.

  • To remove a report from your My Reports list, click on the red heart. The report will be removed from your My Reports list and removed from the Reports menu.

My Reports are different than report search criteria Favorites which are used to save report settings and criteria as a template for quick and consistent report creation.