The Parent Portal - An Overview

The Jackrabbit Parent Portal is a wonderful tool that allows your existing customers to manage their account with you online, at any time of day! You control what features are available inside your Portal.

Add a link to your Parent Portal on your website, share it on Facebook, or send the link out to your families in an email for them to bookmark.

Depending on the Parent Portal settings you select, existing customers can:

  • Enroll students into classes and events
  • Schedule absences and makeups
  • Access class resources such as videos and PDFs
  • View the fees and payments posted to their account
  • Make online account payments
  • Update their contact information
  • Upload student photos
  • See news updates that you post
  • See and read past sent emails, registrations, and texts (if your organization uses texting)

Contacts with a valid email address in your main system can access the Parent Portal unless you specifically block them. 

Families located in your Lead File do not have access to the Parent Portal.

To look around inside a "demo" sample portal that we have set up, go to this Parent Portal DEMO login page.  

Use Login ID:
Use Password:  BestTraining1

Remember, the information shown inside your own organization's Portal is controlled by YOU using the settings in your system and may be different than what our Demo portal highlights.   

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  Can families trial enroll in the Parent Portal?

A.  The Parent Portal does not allow for trial enrollments because existing families are already familiar with your business and are not typically eligible for trial classes.

See the Trial Enrollment Help section for more information.

Q.  Can I use HTML tags in Class Name, Class Description, Event Name, etc?

A.  No. Because Jackrabbit is web-based, we strongly oppose the use of HTML tags in any data field.  It has the potential to cause severe issues within the application.

Q.  Is there a security feature to log the family out of the Parent Portal if they forget to log out?

A.  After thirty minutes of inactivity the parent will be warned that their session is about to expire. This will count down one minute and give the parent the opportunity to continue their session or to logout. If no response is received within that minute, the portal session will automatically close and the parent will have to log in again.


To start using this great feature, see Get Started with the Parent Portal.