There are several ways to stay informed of all new online registrations:
- You or your staff will receive an email notification.
- On the Executive Dashboard, the Key Metrics widget features an Online Registrations metric. Select the metric to open the Online Registrations report. This metric and the report are filtered based on your selected Dashboard Settings.
- Go to Reports (menu) > Find Reports > Classes/Enrollments (left menu) > Enrollment (tab) > Online Registrations and run a custom report based on the Location and Date Range of your choice.
Complete the Registration/Enrollment Process
"What do I do once a new family registers/enrolls online?"
Scenario A: If your settings are such that class Tuition fees are automatically posted during enrollment then you will need to:
- Verify the family, student(s), and enrollment information was entered correctly/completely.
- Wait for cash or check payment OR if you are using ePayments, you can process the payment now or any time, by using the Payment/Credit button on the family page. This is not an automated feature - you must initiate the process to hit their credit card or bank account.
Scenario B: If your settings are such that class Tuition fees are NOT posted during enrollment (because you use Post by Hours or Discounting), then you will need to:
- Verify the family, student(s), and enrollment information was entered correctly/completely.
- Post the appropriate tuition fee(s) by using the Make Sale/Post Fees button on the family page OR in bulk by using Transactions > Post Tuition Fees using your standard discounting structure (and use the Duplicate Tuition Fee Detection filter as to not post duplicate fees to those who have already had tuition fees posted for the current billing period). You may also need to manually adjust this posted fee if you need to pro-rate.
- If you are using ePayments, you can process the payment now or any time, by using the Payment button on the family page. This is not an automated feature - you must initiate the process to hit their credit card or bank account.
The Key Metrics widget on the Executive Dashboard offers a quick view of enrollment and registration information. Each metric links to a detailed report.
- Identify areas that need attention at a glance.
- Get instant insights into enrollment and registration trends.
- Make informed decisions with detailed linked reports.
Customize Your Key Metrics Widget
To customize Key Metrics, click the Dashboard Settings button at the top of the Executive Dashboard.
The Dashboard Settings have three sections related to the Key Metrics: Enrollments, Drops, and Registrations.
Enrollments & Drops
Each of the Enrollment Total, Enrollment Percentage, and Total Drops in the last X days metrics are accompanied by an icon that provides a visual indication of the degree of attention required. The icons are controlled by your defined thresholds, i.e., your tolerance levels.
The icon colors are the same as traffic lights, making the meanings easy to understand and remember:
- Green means the metric is meeting your goal.
- Yellow is a warning that the metric value is outside the desired range.
- Red means the metric has reached a problem level and needs attention.
Use the Green and Yellow fields to define your thresholds. The icons will change to red based on their relationship to the yellow number (< less than or > greater than).
Use the Total Drops in Last X days field to define the number of days included in the Total Drops in Last X days Key Metric.
For Enrollment Total and Enrollment Percentage:
- A green icon displays if the value is equal to or above the green threshold.
- A yellow icon displays if the value is equal to or above the yellow threshold but below the green threshold.
- A red icon displays if the value is below the yellow threshold.
For Total Drops in Last X days:
- A green icon displays if the value is equal to or below the green threshold.
- A yellow icon displays if the value is above the green threshold but below the yellow threshold.
- A red icon displays if the value is equal to or above the yellow threshold.
Use the Last X Days field to define the number of days to include in the Portal Enrollments last X days, Online Registrations, and Class Registrations to be Processed Key Metrics.
Use the Display Registration Type, Display Registration Status, and Display Registration Source checkboxes to choose what registration types, statuses, and sources should be included in the Portal Enrollments last X days, Online Registrations, and Class Registrations to be Processed Key Metrics.
Widget Wisdom - Understand and Interact
The Key Metric widget offers various interactive components. Some provide a deeper dive into your data, while others enable customization of your Executive Dashboard display.
- Click on any metric to open the corresponding report; for example, click on Active Families of ## to open the List Active Families report or select the Class Registrations to be processed metric to open the Process Class Registrations report.
Your choices in the Dashboard Settings filter the reports you access through the Executive Dashboard. For example, if you set the Total Drops in the Last X days to 10, clicking on the Total Drops last 10 days metric will show a report reflecting drops from the last 10 days.
- Hover over the Enrollments metric to reveal two links:
- View Enrollments opens the Enrollment Snapshot 1 report.
- View Category 1 Chart opens a chart showing Category 1 enrollments.
- Collapse or expand the widget using the
next to Key Metrics.
- Use the Move Widget icon to drag and drop the widget anywhere on your Executive Dashboard to customize your view. Your chosen layout will be retained each time you visit.
The Process Class Registrations report allows you to review all registrations and class enrollments including those coming in through Online Registration, from the Parent Portal, and those done from within Jackrabbit. Additions to waitlists are also displayed.
- Streamline registration workflow and improve efficiency.
- Review pertinent information and process registrations and class enrollments from a centralized location.
- Identify families who did not have fees posted with their registration or class enrollment.
- Find Parent Portal enrollments and post fees accordingly.
Note: The date range for this report is limited to 60 days.
Access the Process Class Registrations Report
Jackrabbit Users with the Process Registrations permission (in the Reports category of User ID Permissions) can access the Process Class Registrations report from either the Executive Dashboard or the Students menu.
Access the Report From the Executive Dashboard
In the Key Metrics section of the Executive Dashboard, click the Class Registrations to be processed metric to open the Process Registrations report. The report will be filtered to include the number of days you define with the Last X Days Dashboard Setting. Refer to Key Metrics on the Executive Dashboard for more details on Settings.
Access the Report From the Students Menu
Go to the Students menu > Student Reports > Process Class Registrations Report to access the Process Class Registrations report. Use search criteria to narrow down your results to a very specific group of registrations, class enrollments (including trials), or waitlist additions. Note: This report does not include Event enrollments.
Report Results
Review the results, and you can use the checkbox in the last column select multiple rows and email and/or process registrations.
- Select the top checkbox in the last column to select all, or select checkboxes for individual rows, and use the Email button to generate a confirmation email to those families.
- Use Show/Hide Columns to select which columns of information you want to be displayed. In this example, 25 columns are hidden.
- The Registration Source column indicates where the registration request originated from.
- The More button opens a window with additional Family Information.
Process New Class Registrations
The Registration Status column indicates the status of each registration or enrollment. All statuses default to New when the registration/enrollment is created. Use the In Progress status to indicate that work has been started on that registration/enrollment. Click the Pencil (icon)to edit and process new enrollments.
Registrations/enrollments are automatically changed to Complete if a student is dropped or transferred out of the class. You can change the status from either New or In Progress to Complete when you have finished working with a row.
- Internal Notes are automatically populated when a student is dropped from a class or when a student is enrolled from a waitlist. When you edit a row, you have the option of adding a note which will display in the Internal Notes column.
- Process multiple class registrations at one time! Use the checkbox column on the right to select the registrations/enrollments you want to update and then click the Edit icon to change the status of each row and optionally keep, delete, or replace all Internal Notes for those registrations.
- The Type column provides details about the type of each enrollment or registration (Waitlist, Enrollment, Registration, Trial).
- Comments that a parent makes during Online Registration or during Parent Portal enrollment will be displayed in the Comments column.
- The New Family as of column identifies families that are new to your facility. This makes it quick and easy to send those families a welcome email!
- The Card/Acct on File column lets you know which families have ePayment information on file and alerts you to those whose payment information is expiring soon.
- Select the More button to view additional information for the family.
- Use the links throughout the report for quick access to related records.
The Weekly Calendar button on the Executive Dashboard opens a calendar view of your classes by week. This is your class command center and allows you to manage almost all areas of your classes from one screen! Note: The Classic Weekly Class Calendar is for internal use only, it is not available to your families.
You'll also have access to the Classic Weekly Class Calendar using the Calendar link above the blue menu bar on all screens in Jackrabbit.
Classic Weekly Class Calendar Features
The Classic Weekly Class Calendar opens in a new window and displays a week-long calendar of classes.
- Calendar Criteria and display buttons allow you to customize your calendar view.
- When first opened your Classic Weekly Class Calendar will bring up the current week's schedule with no criteria selected (no filters applied, all classes showing).
- Use the Prev and Next buttons, or the date field, to change the week you are viewing.
- The currently selected criteria are displayed.
- Use the Change Criteria button to edit those selections.
- Use the Add Class button to quickly add a class. You can also add a class by clicking into a specific time slot.
- Click the Settings button to change the time range that your calendar displays. Set this to your facility's opening and closing time.
- Select Show Students to add the enrolled students' names to the class information that displays when you rest your mouse pointer over the class on the calendar (hover without clicking).
- The Show Full Classes checkbox defaults to checked to display full classes as well as classes with openings. Clear the checkbox to hide classes that are full which makes it easier to find a class with an opening to enroll a student in.
- Click the link on a date to look at the daily view. The display criteria you have selected will also be applied to that daily view. For more information on the daily view see our Help article Class Calendars and Schedules.
- Review the summary information for each class on the calendar at a glance. Click the link for quick access to the class record.
- Class name
- Number of openings (#)
- Number of future drops #FD
- Number of future enrolls #FE
- Number of absences for that day (#a)
- Number of makeups for that day (#m)
- Accurate enrollment counts are displayed in real-time! A full class (0) that has a future drop scheduled for the following week will accurately reflect that opening (1) when you advance the Classic Weekly Class Calendar to that date.
More Classic Class Calendar Actions
- Double click into any open time slot to add a class. The Add Class window will open with the start date and time for the slot that you clicked into pre-selected; these values can be edited. You can also use the Add Class button in the Criteria section to open the Add Class window with no pre-selection made.
- Click a link for any of Future Drops, Future Enrolls, Absences, or Makeups to open a window with more detail including student names.
- Click Enroll Existing Students to enroll an existing student into the class or click Register New Students to open the Registration Form to add a new family and enroll a student in the class. If the class is full you will see CLASS FULL and a Waitlist button to click to add a student to the class waitlist. Once the waitlist is also full the button will drop off and you will only see CLASS FULL.
- When the Show Students checkbox (in the criteria/settings section) is not checked private lessons (max size = 1) will display with the enrolled student's name. If Show Students is checked the calendar will display the class name and openings information (0) and the enrolled student's name will appear in the class information window that displays when you hover over the class.
- Classes can display color-coded by Category 1 if you assign colors to your Category 1 drop-down values in the Drop-Down List Editor (Gear icon > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists). When darker colors are chosen the text display will change to white. This makes it easy to distinguish between the different types of classes you offer!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why are older makeups still showing when I click on the link in the class detail on the Classic Weekly Class Calendar?
A. Absences and make-ups within 5 days of the day you view the Future Drops & Enrolls page are shown. For example, if you view the page on Friday, absences and make-ups from Monday will show. If you view it again on Saturday, the absences from Monday will no longer show.
The Classes Weekly Class Calendar can be also be accessed from the Classes (menu) > All Classes. Click the Filtered Calendar (icon)and select Weekly from the drop-down list. The Classic Weekly Class Calendar opens in a new window.
Adding a class from the Classic Weekly Class Calendar is a great way to build your class schedule as it offers a visual of open time slots. Use the Change Criteria button to customize the calendar view, for example for only a specific room or a specific instructor. Learn more about the powerful Weekly View calendar in our Help Center article The Classic Weekly Class Calendar.
- Click Weekly Calendar on the Executive Dashboard to view the Calendar and change the criteria if needed.
- Click the Add Class button or double click a time slot on the calendar where you want to add the class.
- Enter the class details in the Add Class window. At a minimum, you must enter all required (*) information. Note: If you select a Session for the class, and you have defined the start/end dates for the session in your drop-down list editor, you may get a Potential Date Conflict pop-up window. This is simply to alert you that the date you have used as the class start date (the date you clicked on the calendar) falls outside of the session's defined start/end dates. You can opt to leave the current dates or use the new session dates.
- Click Save.
After the class is created you will be given the option to Add Another Class, View Calendar, Enroll (an existing student), or Quick Reg (add a new student).
The Openings report provides you with a list of classes that display your classes that have openings. In addition, there is a % Full column that displays a graphic representation of how full your classes are. This report can be found under the Classes (menu) > Class Reports > Openings.
Some of the columns contain clickable links that open additional information.
Jackrabbit can be set to track absences or attendance (days attended). The Student Attendance report is available regardless of what your system is set to track and allows you to see important attendance metrics quickly and easily! Note: Only students who are enrolled in classes will appear in this report.
Get to this report from the Students menu > Student Reports > Student Attendance Report.
- See how often students attended or missed classes during the session.
- Award students, assess instructor effectiveness, and review the current session schedule for class popularity.
- View attendance details showing which students were late for class, left class early, or were only observing the class that day. Identify any patterns and address the situation by sending an email directly from the report results.
In addition, you have the option to create an individual student attendance report from the Students menu > All Students > click the row menu> Absence/Attendance. This opens the Student Attendance Report and will generate a report for the selected student.
Search Criteria
The Student Attendance Report can be generated for a single date or a range of dates.
The Attendance Filter is a great way to search for students with a specific number or percentage of absences or attendance. Identify students who qualify for a perfect attendance award by setting the Attendance Filter to either # Absences, which is equal to, 0, or % Attended, which is equal to 100.
If you have multiple locations in your system, use the Family Location criteria to drill down to only those students in Family records with a specific location or the Class Location criteria to look at only students enrolled in classes at a specific location.
Other search criteria allow you to search for students enrolled in classes with a specific:
- Class Status (Active, Archived, Inactive)
- Session
- Category 1, 2, or 3
- Instructor
You can also use search fields to select a specific Class, Family/Acct, or Student.
Display Settings
There are three display settings that affect your report results:
- Show Attendance Issues - select this checkbox to see which students were marked Late, Left Early, or Observing when attendance was taken in the Staff Portal.
- Show Class Details or Student Summary
- Show one row per student per class - each class the student is enrolled in shows on a separate row with the attendance details for that specific class.
- Show one row per student - shows 'the big picture' for each student and combines the attendance details for all classes they are enrolled in into one row in the report.
- How do you want to count the number of days the classes met - there are two options to calculate the number of days a class met:
- Use class start and end dates - The Class Start and End Dates are used to figure out what days the student could have attended. This is how most people will run this report.
- Ignore class start and end dates - The Class Start and End Dates are ignored, only the overall days the student attended this same class are considered. This is useful if you have perpetual classes where you change the Class Start Dates frequently.
The Report Results
The report is sorted by family name as the default, but you can click on the column header of any column to re-sort the results based on that column. The results can be further customized with the ability to show or hide columns of information, sort columns, or modify column widths.
- Use the Email button to create an email to the families in the report results. Select the Email All checkbox to include all families or select only some families using their checkbox. A record of this email is kept in the Family record on the Misc tab > View Sent Emails for 365 days.
- There are many columns of information available in the report results. Customize your report with the Show/Hide Columns button; select only the information important to you.
# Days Classes Met, # Absences and # Attended
A brief description of the columns in the report results:
# Days Classes Met | This is the number of times the class met during the time frame used when you created the report. This number may differ between students because it takes into account a student's enrollment date and drop date. If you have added any Closed Dates, these are also factored in. The # Days Classes Met is also affected by the report Display Option setting How do you want to count the number of days the classes met. |
# Absences | When taking attendance in the Staff Portal, this is the number of times the student was marked absent (during the time frame used for the report).
# Attended | When you are taking attendance in the Staff Portal, this is the number of times the student was marked present (during the time frame used for the report).
In addition to being accessible from the Reports menu, the Student Attendance Report can also be generated from the Student and Class records using the Absence/Attendance button.
When generated from the Student record, the search field for Select Student is automatically filled with the student name in the search criteria.
When generated from the Class record, the search field for Select Class is automatically filled with the class name in the search criteria.
When Jackrabbit is set to track absences, you will find the Absences-Makeups report under the Students menu > Student Reports. Absences marked in the Staff Portal will be reflected in this report.
Regardless of the way you record absences in Jackrabbit, this report provides you with the following:
- See who was marked absent and is eligible for a makeup class.
- Review students who have makeup classes scheduled and the dates of those classes.
- View the Makeup class expiration date (if applicable).
- Review the student's attendance for scheduled makeup classes.
Search Criteria
Use the Search Criteria to define the report results. For this example, select a date range to see which students were absent for specific classes. Set Eligible for Makeup to Yes and click Submit.
- Leaving a field blank is the same as saying "all". For example, leaving Absence for Class Category 1 blank will provide the data for all Category 1 classes.
- Some fields allow multiselection. Use the Ctrl key (Cmd for Mac) to select multiple values.
Report Results
The report results display the students absent from class in the selected timeframe. These columns provide absence and makeup information:
- Elig? - indicates a student is eligible for a makeup class for the missed class.
- Note - if a note was created in the Staff Portal it will be shown in this column.
- Makeup Date - if a makeup class was scheduled, it will be listed in this column.
In addition, you can see if a student was absent or present for the Makeup class and if there is a Makeup Expiration Date, these will be displayed if the columns are shown. An email to all or selected students can be sent directly from this report. A history of this email is kept in the Family record, Misc tab> View Sent Emails for 365 days.
The Absences tab on a Class record shows which students were absent from the class, the date of the absence, and the number of absences.
Staff members can Schedule Future Absences in the Staff Portal. Click on Absent select the Schedule Future Absences option and complete the steps. Refer to Take Attendance in the Staff Portal for more information.
In the Student record > Classes tab you will see the enrollment type for the class. The drop-down list can be edited on the Drop-down List Editor page (Gear icon > Settings > General > Drop-down Lists > Student > Enroll Type). Some Enrollment Types (reserved) are the ones that Jackrabbit has created and cannot be deleted. You can create additional ones that match the needs of your business.
Enrollment Type | Description |
Enrolled | If the student is currently enrolled in an Active class, their Enroll Type = Enrolled and Class(es) appear in the Current Enrollment section of the student's Classes tab. |
Drop | The student did not complete the class. The student was dropped before the class was completed using the Drop link. This is considered a 'true drop' and will appear on the Drop History Report. If a student is dropped from a class, the class appears in the Past Enrollment section of the student Classes tab. Note: It's important to archive classes (rather than drop students from class after it ends) so that reports will only display 'true' drops. See Archive Classes. |
Transfer | A student is considered transferred when they have been moved from one class to another. This creates a Past Enrollment record, but this is not considered a drop. It is treated as a Transfer and does not negatively reflect on the school/class/teacher and is excluded from the drop reports. |
Trial | The ability to enroll in a class as a trial is a per-class option. When a student enrolls into a class on a trial basis, their Enroll Type = Trial. See Trial Enrollment. |
Trial-Enrolled | If a trial student enrolls in a class, it is good practice to change the student Enroll Type to Trial-Enrolled. See Trial Enrollment. |
Waitlist | The student has been placed on the class waitlist. Technically, they are not enrolled in the class and a staff member must enroll them. Refer to Enroll a Student from a Waitlist for more details. The class will be listed in the Student record in the Waitlist section. |
Sample Student Record > Classes Tab
In the Past Enrollment section (Student Classes tab), the Comp? column indicates whether the student completed the class (Yes) or did not complete the class (No).
The Enrollment Detail Report is extremely powerful and allows you to create multiple reports based on current and historical class enrollment. You can find this report under the Students (menu) > Student Reports > Enrollment Detail.
- Spot enrollment trends effortlessly, enabling you to discover whether scheduling more popular classes will boost revenue.
- Check enrollment by sessions, such as the summer session, to recognize seasonal trends.
- Monitor retention by student or instructor.
- Customize your report using the Show/Hide Columns button. Select from over 35 columns of available data.
- ...and so much more!!!
Filter Students Using Search Criteria
You can filter your student enrollment by using any or all of the available Search Criteria. Jackrabbit will compile a report of students who meet ALL of the criteria chosen.
Let's look at the criteria we'd use to find students who enrolled last summer but didn't enroll this summer.
- This report searches only active classes by default. Set Active Classes Only = No to include archived classes. See Archive Classes for an explanation of archived classes.
- Click here to see the report created with these criteria.
Select Display Settings
Customize the report according to your preferences using the available settings.
- To display an Enrollment Summary (a student in multiple classes counts for each class), set Show Enrollment Details or Student Summary = Enrollment Details.
- To display a Student Summary (each student counts once) set Show Enrollment Details or Student Summary = Student Summary.
Report Results
The report lists the students that met the criteria selected. You can email directly from the report results! Use the Email button to create an email, and select the Email All checkbox to include all the families. A record of this email is kept in the Family record on the Misc tab > View Sent Emails for 365 days.
The report can be customized to include more than 35 columns of data with the Show/Hide Columns selections.
Note: This report includes archived families; however, if there is no email address for the family in the Lead File, the family must be restored to the main system where the email address can be added and then re-archive the family.
Students archived to the Lead File before 11/11/2015 will show up on the report with an active link; however, the enrollment information will not be available.
Compare Enrollment from Session to Session
Class sessions are not required in Jackrabbit but are helpful in many instances, including comparing enrollment. Using class sessions in Jackrabbit makes comparing enrollment from session to session very easy. The Enrollment Detail Report allows you to see who was enrolled in one session but not enrolled in another.
Compare Enrollment Data without using Sessions
You can compare enrollment using a date range; however, this requires some additional steps. Jackrabbit cannot find non-returning students with just a date range. You will need to run the Enrollment Detail Report for a list of total students for each time frame and do a comparison.
Analyze Retention by Instructor
If you have concerns over an instructor's performance, you can pull the Enrollment Detail Report to find a list of drops by an instructor and include the drop reason. Comparing results by Instructor allows you to see if there is a pattern or concern. This information is also helpful when building the next session of classes and conducting their performance review.
The Enroll History report provides you with a list of students and the date each student was placed into a class, based on the filters (Search Criteria) you select.
You can find this report under the Students menu > Student Reports.
- Generate a report of previously enrolled students who have not enrolled in a new class.
- Identify inactive students using the filter for Current Student Status.
- Send an email to all, or select students directly from the report results, including archived students in the Lead File (after 11/11/2015).
Search Criteria
Filter your list of students using any or all of the available Search Criteria, and Jackrabbit will compile a report of who meets ALL of the criteria chosen. In this example, we have selected a Current Student Status of Inactive.
- Set a time frame in the Search Criteria.
- Hold down the shift key to select all, or Ctrl to select more than one from the drop-down lists.
Report Results
Review the results and use the checkbox in the last column to select the students to email. Click the Email button to quickly generate an email to all or the selected students in the report. A history of this email is kept in the Family record, Misc tab> View Sent Emails for 365 days.
- Use the active links in the report to go to a Class or Student record.
- Show/Hide the columns as needed. In this example, 8 columns are hidden.
- Report results can be further customized with the ability to sort columns, and modify column width.
Note: Although archived families are included in this report, if there is no email address for the family in the Lead File, they must be restored to the main system, add the email address, and re-archive the family.
Jackrabbit defaults to tracking absences rather than attendance. If you are set up to track by attendance, this report gives you the option to view the Last Date Attended by the students. Refer to Track Absences or Attendance for more details.
The Drop History report lists students who have dropped classes in the time frame designated in the Search Criteria. You can also run this report to show students who have transferred or completed classes.
This report can be found under the Students menu > Student Reports.
- Run the report to identify future staffing needs.
- Email to all, or select families directly from the report results, including archived families.
- Includes students archived to the Lead File (after 11/11/2015) in the report results.
Search Criteria
To find the classes students dropped, use the Search Criteria.
- Select a time frame in the Search Criteria.
- Search for a specific class using the Search link (Dropped from Class).
- Select Drops Only, Completed Class, or Transfers from the drop-down menu for Show Drops.
- Hold down the shift key to select all Show Drops, or Ctrl to select more than one from a list.
Report Results
Review the results and use the checkbox in the last column to select the students to email. Use the Email button to quickly generate an email to students in the report. Show/Hide the columns as needed. In this example, 9 columns are hidden.
- Use the active links in the report to go to a Class, Family, or Student record.
- Click the Email All checkbox to select all the students to email.
- Use the Show/Hide Columns button to change the columns.
Note: Although archived families are included in this report, if there is no email address for the family in the Lead File, they must be restored to the main system, add the email address, and re-archive the family.
A history of emails sent from this report is kept in the Family record, Misc tab> View Sent Emails for 365 days.
The Enrollment Snapshot 1 and 2 reports are not historical and only look at current enrollment at the time the report is generated. Each creates, in different formats, a snapshot of the current enrollment and includes current revenue (current size x tuition fee) vs. the maximum revenue (max size x tuition fee).
This report is intended to be a quick "snapshot" of your enrollment multiplied by the tuition fee. Any discounts, prorating, fixed fees, etc. are not included in the calculations of this report.
For a detailed look at class or event revenue, we recommend using the Class/Event Revenue Summary Report.
Transfers that have taken place within the selected date range can inflate the enrollment number as it will show as enrollment on the initial class and the transferred class.
When you have worked through all of the articles outlined in the lesson, select the Take the Quiz button to be taken to the Lesson #8 Quiz where you can test your understanding of the concepts in this lesson. You will be asked to enter an email address for quiz results to be sent. The quiz includes Review questions.
Quiz #8 - Class Enrollment Management
Number of Questions | Total Possible Points | Points Needed for an "A" | Points Needed for a "B" | Points Needed for a "C" |
13 | 13 | 11 | 10 | 9 |