Sent Emails Report

The Sent Emails report provides a list of emails sent to your students, contacts, and staff based on the filters (Search Criteria) you select.

Go to Reports > Find Reports > Email/Text/Marketing (left menu) > Recommended (tab).

  • Review emails sent from the Lead File.
  • Access emails sent from your organization within the last 365 days.
  • View emails sent to your organization from families using the Parent Portal Contact Us page.

This report does not include automated system-generated emails (e.g., credit card receipts, notification emails) or future scheduled emails.

Search Criteria

Use the Search Criteria to narrow the report results.

  • Enter the Date from and through to review emails sent within a 31-day window in the last 365 days.
  • Optionally, refine your search by entering a subject or selecting the User who sent the email.

Display Settings

Use the Display Settings to further customize your report.

  • By default, the Display a row for each email setting is selected. This setting lists the subject line of every email sent and the number of recipients it was sent to in the selected date range.
  • The Display a row for each recipient setting shows a row for each email sent to each recipient.

Report Results

Customize the report results to show or hide columns of information, sort and filter columns, or modify column width.

  • View a sent email by selecting the row menu icon> View Email.
  • Select the Recipients link to see who the email was sent to.
  • Use the Refresh Grid iconto reload the grid data.
  • Choose the More iconto export the data in the grid to Excel.

To learn more about customizing a grid to display information, refer to Work with Grids (Tables) in Jackrabbit.

Result of Sent Emails Report When 'Display a row for each email' is Selected