It is important to allow plenty of time for trainees to go through training to help avoid cognitive overload as they are trying to process and remember a lot of information.
The amount of time a trainee will take to complete a lesson will vary. Consider their level of education, reading comprehension, and if they are visual learners or hands-on learners. Some individuals are not good test-takers and may need to retake quizzes. The times below are approximate and are meant only to be used as a guide.
Front Desk Staff
Quizzes | Approx. Time |
The Basics | 60 |
Search in Jackrabbit | 60 |
Add Families | 30 |
Update an Existing Family | 30 |
Update an Existing Family (Continued) | 20 |
Enroll/Register Students into Classes | 45 |
Waitlists, Trial, and Future Enrollments | 45 |
Work with Students - Absences | 45 |
Work with Students - Attendance | 35 |
Emailing Families/Students | 45 |
Emailing Families/Students (Continued) | 30 |
Post Fees to an Individual Family | 45 |
Fixed Fees | 30 |
Collect Payment from an Individual Family | 120 |
Events and Appointments | 45 |
Parent Portal - The Basics | 45 |
Total - Front Desk Staff | 12 hours |
Coaches/Instructors and Staff
Quizzes | Approx. Time |
Staff Portal - The Basics | 30 |
Staff Portal - Enter Time - Clock In/Out | 30 |
Staff Portal - Enter Time - Manual In/Out | 30 |
Staff Portal - Enter Time - Total Hours | 30 |
Staff Portal - Enter Attendance | 30 |
Staff Portal - Update Skills/Levels | 45 |
Total - Coaches/Instructors and Staff | 3 hours, 15 minutes |
Supervisors and Managers
Quizzes | Approx. Times |
The Basics | 60 |
Search in Jackrabbit | 60 |
The Executive Dashboard | 60 |
Manage Users | 90 |
Staff Management | 90 |
Staff Portal Settings | 90 |
Staff Portal Settings (Continued) | 90 |
Staff Portal Management | 60 |
Manager Use of the Time Clock | 90 |
Work with Classes | 90 |
Worth with Classes (Continued) | 60 |
Class Enrollment Management | 90 |
Tuition Fees | 90 |
Tuition Fees (By Class Fee Billing Method) | 60 |
Tuition Fees (By Total Hours Billing Method) | 45 |
Non-Tuition Fees | 30 |
Collect Payment from an Individual Family | 90 |
Collect Payment from Multiple Families | 120 |
Send Emails | 60 |
Financial Reports | 120 |
Enrollment Reports | 45 |
Total - Supervisors and Managers | 26 hours, 30 minutes |