Save Your Favorite Filtered Grid Views

Save time and effort each time you open a grid page to view your data! After you have applied filters or clicked on a data visual, set the grid column widths, and you can save the filtered data as a Favorite.

Saved favorites can be set as a default view and shared with other Jackrabbit Users in your organization. There is no limit to the number of filtered grid views you can save. 

Save a Favorite

Once filters are selected, it's simple to save your favorite views:

  1. Filter the grid for the information you are looking for. 
    • Use the filter (icon) or click on a data visual.
    • Adjust column widths as needed.
  2. Click the Save as favorite (icon).
    • Enter a favorite name.
    • Select if you want to set the favorite as the default view. This view will automatically load when you return to the page.
    • Select if you want to share with your team. 
  3. Click Save. Your filtered data, column width, and column-locked positions are all saved.
Open a Favorite

Load or open a saved favorite:

  1. Click the Favorites (icon).
  2. Select your saved favorite from the drop-down list or start typing in the search field.
  3. Choose one of the saved views and click Load. The grid populates the data, and the breadcrumbs indicate the selected filters.

If you opened a saved favorite grid view and would like to make it your default view, resave it as a favorite and toggle the Make this your default view? to the right. Click Save.

Delete a Favorite

If you created a Favorite, you will be able to delete it:

  1. Click the Favorites (icon).
  2. Select the favorite you would like to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

Contact Jackrabbit Support if you want to delete a Favorite filtered view created by another User.